'Removal of Gender Equality from Educational Objectives Against İstanbul Convention'

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The Ministry of National Education was revealed to have removed gender equality from its objectives. Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen) Chairperson Feray Aytekin told bianet that an article about gender equality was removed from Social Activities Regulation in a "last-minute change."
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Urfa MP Ayşe Sürücü has submitted a parliamentary question to Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk on the issue.
Saying that the removal of the article in "concerning," Sürücü made the following remarks:
"As it is known, the articles of the İstanbul Convention, which we are among the states parties, include the provision of the concept of 'gender' to be taught in schools. This concept, which remains valid even in situations of armed conflict and which should be guaranteed by the states parties, is specified in İstanbul Convention.
In addition, we would like to state that, in accordance with the obligations imposed by İstanbul Convention, the parties acting on their behalf are obliged to ensure that the requirements of the İstanbul Convention are fully and systematically fulfilled. We observe that GREVIO (Expert Group on Action Against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence) will note this serious failure to fulfillment in your education and training policy in the assessment of the situation in the contracting states regarding the implementation of the Istanbul Convention."
Sürücü asked the following questions to the minister:
- Is it possible for your Ministry to build the education system on a modern level without the goal of Gender Equality?
- Were the reactions from sects and religious communities effective in your decision to remove the objective of gender equality from the 2019/2020 School Year Objectives List?
- Which institutions or organizations do you expect to provide gender equality education to children than your Ministry?
- Do you have any evidence that the goal of Gender Equality is damaging the education system?
- Do you feel responsibility regarding İstanbul Convention?