‘Release Prisoners in Coronavirus Risk Group’

* Photo: Ömer Evren Atalay - İzmir / AA
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Law and rights organizations have released their weekly report regarding the effects of COVID-19 outbreak on prisoners in Turkey.
Jointly prepared by the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD), Human Rights Association (İHD), the Med Federation of Associations for Legal Aid and Solidarity with Families of Arrestees and Convicts (MED TUHAD-FED) and the Association of Lawyers for Freedom, the 13-page report has noted that the measures of the Ministry have fallen short of protecting prisoners and listed what needs to be done within this context.
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In his statement on April 28, Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül said, "120 arrestees and convicts in four separate prisons have been diagnosed with COVID-19, they are in treatment at hospitals and they are in good health." However, Minister Gül has shared no information as to how many wardens have tested positive for the virus so far.
'Arrest is an exception, enforce judicial control'
Based on the information acquired by four rights organizations from their hospital visits, the letters and faxes sent to them and phone calls between prisoners and their relatives, the measures that need to be taken against the virus in Turkey's prisons have been listed as follows:
* As seriously ill prisoners are in the serious risk group in case of an epidemic disease, they should be released and the execution of their sentences should be suspended. The arrestees should be released.
* Considering the deadly impact of the virus on the ones aged 60 and over, the ones in that age group should be released as a precaution.
* Pregnant prisoners and women with children behind bars as well as child inmates should be released and the execution of their sentences should be suspended by considering the best interests of the child.
* Lawyer Ebru Timtik, who has been on a death fast for the right to a fair trial for 137 days, and Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal, who has been on a death fast for 106 days with the same demand, should be released with their requests for release being accepted as they are in the serious risk group.
* Political arrestees facing charges based on the Anti-Terror Law (TMK) (such as MPs, co-mayors, municipal council members, lawyers, journalists, human rights defenders, intellectuals and writers, activists, unionists and students) should be released as soon as possible.
* Given the fact that arrest is an exceptional measure, the condition of all arrestees should be examined on their files and they should be released or released with judicial control measures such as a house arrest, depending on the types of charges that they are facing.
Request for free cleaning products for prisoners
The organizations have also raised the following requests to ensure cleaning and hygiene in Turkey's prisons amid COVID-19 pandemic:
* Prisoners must be given cleaning products free of charge so that they can protect their health and maintain their personal hygiene.
* It needs to be ensured that prisoners eat healthily, adequately and properly, they should be provided with vitamin supplements.
* Common use areas such as bathrooms and toilets in prisons should be disinfected everyday.
* Until the execution of their sentences is suspended with judicial control measures, the prisoners who are in the risk group and cannot maintain their personal hygiene, such as the ones with chronic diseases, disabilities, in advanced age, with or expecting children, should be held in hygienic conditions rather than overcrowded prison wards.
* Necessary measures need to be taken for all prison personnel, especially for the ones in risk group, in a way to cover their work conditions as well.
* There should be health personnel in prisons on a regular basis and in sufficient numbers. (AS/SD)