Rector Protested at ITU Graduation Ceremony by Students

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In the graduation ceremony of İstanbul Techinical University (İTU) , students have protested the rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Karaca by turning their backs to him.
2,235 students have received their bachelor’s degree in the academic year of 2015-2016 in Graduation Ceremony organised at İTU Stadium yesterday (July 14).
Students attended the ceremony with banners.
The students have started whistling in protest while Rector Karaca was holding a speech and the names of Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and Parliamentary Spokesperson İsmail Kahraman who had sent congratulation messages, were being announced.
Following the students of İstanbul High School protesting the principal by turning their backs during his speech, İstanbul Bilgi University students had also protested the rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Durman the same way.(BK/UA)
* Photographs and video: İTÜ Mezuniyet Pankartları / facebook