Reactions against Aylin Sözer’s feminicide

"Implement İstanbul Convention" (Photo: Evrim Kepenek - bianet)
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Aylin Sözer, an academic from İstanbul Aydın University, was "killed" by a man named Kemal D. in İstanbul yesterday (December 29).
The feminicide has caused strong public outrage, especially among women. Politicians have also made statements about the issue.
Emine Erdoğan, the spouse of President and ruling AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has tweeted, "Every femicide opens a deep wound in our heart. We expect that the murderers who massacre our women are given the heaviest punishment possible. May our all massacred sisters rest in peace and my condolences to their families and our entire country."
Her kadın cinayeti, kalbimizde yeni yaralar açıyor. Kadınlarımızı katleden canilerin en ağır cezayı almalarını bekliyoruz.
— Emine Erdoğan (@EmineErdogan) December 29, 2020
Yitirdiğimiz tüm kardeşlerime Allah’tan rahmet, ailelerine ve tüm ülkemize başsağlığı diliyorum.
Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gül has also said on Twitter, "The judiciary will do what is necessary to ensure that the murderer who brutally massacred Aylin Sözer is given the punishment that he deserves."
Aylin Sözer'i vahşice katleden caninin hak ettiği cezayı alması için yargı gerekeni yapacaktır.
— Abdulhamit Gül (@abdulhamitgul) December 29, 2020
Sharing a message on social media, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk has said, "The brutal massacre of academic Aylin Sözer has deeply wounded us all. We will closely follow the judicial process so that the murderer gets the heaviest punishment possible."
Akademisyen Aylin Sözer'in vahşice katledilişi hepimizi derinden yaraladı.
— Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk (@ZehraZumrutS) December 29, 2020
Katilin en ağır cezayı alması için dava sürecinin yakın takipçisi olacağız.
Soylu: Panic button app has over 1 million users
Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu has also indicated, "The KADES application for supporting women against violence has 1 million 250 thousand downloaders and users now. It has received nearly over 60 tip-offs. 50 percent of these tip-offs are real tip-offs."
Women will protest
Women will stage a series of protests to denounce the feminicides today. They will be first at the İstanbul Aydın University, then in Maltepe, where she was killed, and finally in Kadıköy district in the evening. (EMK/SD)