Reaction Against AKP’s Özdağ Demanding Impunity for Animal Rapists

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The feminists and animal rights defenders have reacted against statement of Justice and Development Party (AKP) Vice Chair, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Özdağ as to animal rapists.
Özdağ’s remarks on right of animal rapists to raise animal have come to light.
Özdağ’s remarks as to the matter are as follows:
“I don’t approve depriving of raising animals without giving a chance to people who were penalized because a second chance must be given to people. People can make mistakes. Do we give people making mistake another chance to stick to life in Turkey? Yes, we do, that is why I see this penalty very gross”.
“Rape is rape”
Merve Karabulut from Fight Against Sexual Violence Association criticizing Özdağ’s statement about giving a second chance said, “Rape is rape. Hurting another living being cannot be considered a ‘mistake’. If a mistake was made, its punishment is clear. We have to be the voice of those who doesn’t have it. If it is not acceptable for humans, then shouldn’t either be acceptable for animals”.
“A law prepared by this mindset cannot protect animals”
Animal Rights Monitoring Committee (HAKİM) Coordinator, Burak Özgüner spoke as follows as to the law draft:
“Maybe the deputies see no harm in animal rape but we who deal with rape incidents every day think that these people, let alone giving a chance, must be precluded from raising animals and working at animal shelters.
“There are animal rapists acquitted despite all the evidence. Any statement encouraging and promoting rape turns society of Turkey into a more unlivable country. Law draft ‘Law on Protecting Animals’ can neither protect animals nor their right in case it is prepared by this mindset”.
According to current legislation, the rapist gets fined of140 euros (526 TL) in case the act is proved. (ÇT/TK)