Raid on DBP Building Where Hunger Strike Continues

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Police have raided Democratic Regions Party (DBP) district building where indefinite hunger strike without rotation continues in protest of trustee appointment to Hakkari Municipality, detained 20 people.
There were Hakkari Vice Co-Mayors Fatma Yıldız and Şaban Alkan, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central District Co-Chair Emine Armut and Asım Özcan and Mesopotamia Association of Cooperation and Solidarity With Families Who Lost Their Acquaintances (MEYA-DER) Co-Chair Selim Kaya among the 20 detainees, according to a report by the Dicle News Agency.
The search continues while the 20 figures have been taken to a police station.
The Ministry of Interior had appointed trustees to 28 municipalities on September 11.
The statement issued on the Ministry's website expressed that the trustees were appointed to "24 municipalities for supporting PKK-KCK" and "four municipalities for supporting FETÖ (Fethullahist Terror Organization)".
The Ministry also stated that the chairs of the trustee appointed municipalities were earlier discharged and 12 mayors are still under arrest. (NV/TK)