Raci Bilici: Government and PKK Must Return to Negotiations
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With the attacks that the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) organised, nine soldiers, seven civilians and a police officer have been killed since Wednesday (August 10).
Four soldiers were killed in Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak, five soldiers were killed in Uludere district of Şırnak in attack that was organised by the PKK at the early hours of the Wednesday morning.
Two civilians, one police officer in Kızıltepe district of Mardin; five civilians in Sur district of Diyarbakır were killed at night.
We talked with Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Chairperson Raci Bilici about the violence level that has been rising recently and solutions to it.
Bilici, who stated that the reasons which trigger violence must be annihilated, has called on the government and PKK to give up on violence immediately and choose the way of negotiation.
“We do not classify any deaths”
“We condemn any kind of attack that has been carried out against the right to life and fundamental rights and freedoms. We are fighting non-stop to never let it happen again.
“We do not classify any deaths. Whoever does it, this kind of actions should be given up immediately. We saw multiple times that these actions don’t bring a solution.”
“The solution is the policies based on human rights”
“The only way out from killings, violence that we are experiencing and situation we are in, is the policies which are based on human rights.
“New policies that will secure the fundamental rights and freedoms, right to life and maintain peace, should be developed.”
“Peace must be maintained with people whose rights have been taken”
“All problems can be solved with the way of democracy. Violence can be ended with negotiations.
“Our suggestion is that the government must take serious steps independently. The government must maintain peace with people whose their rights have been taken.” (EKN/UA)
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