Quick Solution for "Top Commanders Crisis"

After the resignation of the Chief of General Staff, Işık Koşaner, and the Commanders of the Army, Navy and the Air Force, General Erdal Ceylanoğlu, Admiral Eşref Uğur and General Hasan Aksay respectively on Friday (29 July), the "crisis" was quickly overcome by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Abdullah Gül the same night.
Within four hours, Gendarmerie General Commander Necdet Özel was appointed Commander of the Army and Deputy Chief of General Staff subsequent to two three-people summits held on Saturday evening in Ankara.
In a statement made by the General Staff Headquarters it was announced that the top generals resigned "upon obvious requirements".
General Koşaner claimed in his farewell message that active and retired members of the Turkish Armed Forces were arrested unlawfully. Koşaner criticized that the arrested 14 generals and admirals and 58 colonels lost their right to participate in the assessment at this year's High Military Council (YAŞ) despite the fact that they were not subject to any court decision. Koşaner stated that their freedoms had been restricted and that they were being punished in advance.
"The investigations and long-term detentions were done to keep the Turkish Armed Forces on the agenda and let them appear like a criminal organization" Koşaner indicated and added that he was not able to continue his position at the General Staff because he was being obstructed from protecting the law and the rights of his personnel.
The council is going to convene on Monday (1 August).
This is the first time in the history of the Turkish Republic that several top commanders resign at the same time. As Chief of General Staff, General Necip Torumtay resigned on 3 December 1990.
Short way to a quick solution
The summit between PM Erdoğan, President Gül and General Koşaner started at 10.45 am on Friday at the Presidential Residence in Çankaya (Ankara). The meeting lasted for about one hour. At 6.10 pm the same day it was announced that Koşaner resigned from his position as forces commander.
At 7.20 pm Erdoğan met Gendarmerie General Commander Gen. Özel at the Prime Minister's Office. The meeting was finished after 45 minutes. Thereupon, President Gül received Özel at the Presidential Residence. At 20.40 pm, Prime Minister Erdoğan joined the meeting that went on for another hour.
Half an hour after the meeting had finished (22.10 pm), Gül signed Özel's appointment as Army Commander. With the approval of the Prime Ministry Özel was then appointed to Chief of General Staff. (EKN/ŞA/VK)