Puzzle of ‘Kabataş Seagull Project’; Cancelled or Not?

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It has been reported that the Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul has cancelled the Kabataş Martı (Seagull) Project, which it has called the "Kabataş Square and Transfer Center", in the second year of its construction.
The project, which was drawn by architect Hakan Kıran, consisted of piers constructed through sea embankment, a concrete construction in the shape of a seagull opening its wings, two seagull eggs and sub-galleries as well as concrete tunnels for land traffic between Dolmabahçe and Fındıklı.
Mücella Yapıcı from the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) has stated that the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality has cancelled the part of the project, which was planned to be built on land and for whose construction the approval of the Cultural Heritage Conservation Board has not been received.
Statement by Metropolitan Municipality
Releasing a statement about the news regarding the cancellation of the project, the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality has said,
"It is not the case that the Kabataş Square Landscaping and Transfer Center (Seagull) project has been cancelled. The project will be redrawn without the highway traffic being taken underground.
"The Kabataş Square Landscaping and Transfer Center will be completed as soon as possible and will be put at the disposal of the people of İstanbul".
Hakan Kıran: I have not been given any information
Speaking to the BirGün newspaper, Hakan Kıran, the architect who drew the Seagull Project, has said that no statements have been made to him regarding the cancellation of the project. Kıran has said,
"I have the same information as you. I have not been given any information. We prepared our project a very long time ago, we fulfilled our obligation. No summons have been served to me, I have not seen any official statement, either. I do not have any information, it is nothing more than speculation."
What damages has the project done?
- By means of pile-driving, an area of 650 meters in length and 20 meters in width has been appropriated from the Bosphorus and turned into land.
- The ferry port, which used to be used by ferries going to the districts of Adalar, Kadıköy and Üsküdar, was closed as of the onset of the project. Citizens' right to transportation has been limited.
- Excavation works were undertaken. During the construction process, thousands cubic meter of concrete was used. (TP/SD)
* Photographs: Nadire Mater, Tansu Pişkin - bianet