Purple balloons for women prisoners

Photo: Jinnews
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The Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul Women's Assembly gathered in front of the Bakırköy Women's Prison to draw attention to the situation of women prisoners as part of its Women's Day program.
HDP İstanbul Deputy Züleyha Gülüm and the Peace Mothers Initiative also joined the gathering.
"We are going through a period when our rights, which we gained after years of struggle, are tried to be taken away from us," Gülüm said.
"The government puts women who had to kill because it didn't protect them in prison. We are here for [Kurdish politicians] Aysel Tuğluk, Sebahat Tuncel, Gültan Kışanak and everyone who is in prison for fighting for freedom," added the MP.
Also mentioning ill prisoners, especially Tuğluk, Gülüm said, "the Forensic Medicine Institution gives decisions with ideological hostility and is far from science and law."
After the statement, women flew purple balloons with names of women prisoners written on them.
8 Mart yaklaşırken, tutsak kadın yoldaşlarımız ve cezaevlerinde bulunan tüm kadın mahkumlarla dayanışmak, seslerine ses olmak için Bakırköy Kadın Kapalı cezaevi önünde vekilimiz @zuleyhagulum'ün katılımıyla basın açıklaması gerçekleştirerek mor balonlar uçurduk. pic.twitter.com/20sJafLw7T
— HDP İstanbul Kadın (@HDP_ist_kadin) February 28, 2022