Puppy That Fell in Well Rescued After 10 Days

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The puppy, which fell into a 70-meter deep draw well in Istanbul's Beykoz district, has been saved by a rescuer team after 10 days.
When residents of Beykoz's Derseki neighbourhood hear barks coming from a nearby well, they notified teams of rescuers from the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate (AFAD), fire department, municipality units and animal rights defenders, who worked together to save the dog.
After 10 days of rescue works, the Kangal breed puppy was saved this morning (February 15) at 5.30 a.m.
The three-month-old puppy was named "Kuyu" after the 70-meter deep well it had fallen into.
Bahçeşehir Science and Technology High School FRC Robotic Team members tried to rescue Kuyu with a robotic arm they developed, though the arm did not have enough power to carry the dog.
Kuyu was later rescued with the help of a mechanical arm called "pnömatik", developed by expert from Turkey Hard Coal Institution in Zonguldak, who also arrived at the scene.
Kuyu's wellness was monitored via a camera lowered into the well, along with water and food.
Kuyu has been adopted by Beykoz Fire Department Group. (HK/DG)