Publisher-Writer Tanıl Bora Cancels His Course at Ankara University

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Saying “I can’t accept [the discharges of academics]”, publisher-writer Tanıl Bora has closed the lecture titled “Political Thoughts in Turkey” he gave for 15 years at Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences.
According to gazeteduvar’s report, Bora said “The consecutive discharges have lowered my motivation. I couldn’t accept to give lecture in a period in which both my academic fellows are discharged and my fellows who took this course are affected.
4,811 academics from 112 universities have been discharged
4,811 academics from 112 universities have been discharged by five Statutory Decrees declared during State of Emergency. 16 of the academics have been returned to their duty by another Statutory Decree.
The largest number of discharges occurred at Süleyman Demirel University (193), İstanbul University (192), Gazi University (169) and Pamukkale University (164)
Resignations increase
Many academics have resigned following the Statutory Decrees.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Timuçin Köprülü from Uludağ University, Prof. Dr. Mine Gencel Bek from Ankara University Faculty of Communication, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Arsan from Bilgi University Cultural Studies, and Prof. Dr. Ahmet Demirel from Marmara University announced their resignations today (February 15). (NV/TK)