Public Institutions Discuss Sex Work First Time in Turkey

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With efforts of “Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association” state institutions and organizations come together with NGO members to discuss sex work for the first time in Turkey.
Ministry for Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry for Labour and Social Security, Ministry for Family and Social Policies, Provincial Directorate of Public Health, academicians, sex workers, NGOs and attorneys come together to discuss sex work regulations and sexual and reproductive health of sex workers.
On December 14, Red Umbrella Sexual Health and Human Rights Association is going to hold the “Sex Work Information and Consultation Round Table Meeting” in Ankara with support of the United Nations Population Fund Turkey Representative.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform public institutions and organizations on sex work as well as health and reproductive health situation of sex workers and to get feedback from them about their needs and perspectives.
“There are no bad women but bad legislation”
Within the scope of December 17, International Day for Struggle Against Violence Against Sex Workers, Red Umbrella is organizing numerous events where trainings on administrative fines which trans women sex workers have to pay, house sealings and similar administrative practices as well as discussions on sex work regulations, sexual and reproductive health of sex workers, violence against sex workers, access to judicial system and violence prevention and protection systems are going to take place with the participation of representatives from “Transgender Europe”, “International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE)”, “Sex Workers’ Rights Advocacy Network”, attorneys, public institutions and organizations and sex workers. (ÇT/DG)