Protests on the 1st Anniversary of Corruption Probe

Several protests have been held on the 1st Anniversary of Corruption Probe within which four minister submitted testimonies. While the hashtag #hırsızvar (#thereisathief) became a top tweet, 5 demonstrators were detained in Istanbul.
CHP submits law proposal
CHP deputies Gürsel Tekin, Veli Ağbaba and Sezgin Tanrıkulu submitted a law proposal to introduce “December 17 - 25 on Fight Against Corruption Week” in order to remember the importance of establishing transparency in the public and fight against corruption and bribery.
The detailed request underlined that the investigation within which four ministers resigned but cleared of charges stirred a lack of security in the society.
They served as banner
CHP deputies also marched today, wearing a banner-like coats with the pictures of former minister Zafer Çağlayan, Egemen Bağış, Muammer Güler and Erdoğan Bayraktar.
Banner watch in Aydın
On the other hand, a watch duty has been established in the southwestern province of Aydın where a banner that said “Happy December 17 - 25 on Fight Against Corruption Week” on the Corruption Probe has been removed with prosecutor order.
The banner also included the pictures of former ministers wearing zoro-like masks and the slogan “Get your dirty hands off the people.”
Detentions in Taksim
Police detained 5 activists from Socialist Democracy Party (SDP) in downtown Istanbul for opening a banner said “Happy December 17 - 25 Week of Fight Against Corruption. There is a thief”. (HK/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.