Protests Banned in Antalya before G20 Summit

10th summit of Leaders of Group of 20 (G20), which is considered one of the most important platforms in the solution of global financial problems and gathers the strongest 19 economies of the world and the European Union, will be held in Antalya on November 15-16.
Global climate change, development, immigration
Presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın informed yesterday about G20 summit:
"Six groups have been formed during Turkey's presidency term, which are Youth20, Woman20, NGO20, Think Tanks20, Labor20, and Enterpreneur20. Subjects as to the global climate change will be discussed in detail. In the past days, Mr. President joined a teleconference, and will head to climate summit in France.
"Mr. President will meet with almost every leaders. Syrian crisis will be tackled in detail. Climate change, global development, immigration and terror will take place in final declaration".
Protests banned in Antalya
Antalya Governorate has announced bans before the summit. According to the statement, acts such as indoor and outdoor meetings, gathering and demonstration rallies, press release, sit-in protest, chaining oneself, distributing leaflets, unfurling banner-poster, etc. are prohibited on the dates between November 9-18 2015 in almost the entire city.
In the history of G20 summits, such large scale prohibitions on freedom of expression is the first.
Antalya is the 8th most populous city in Turkey and one of the most important touristic cities of the country.
Who will participate G20?
G20 consists of 19 countries which are among the strongest economies in the world and the EU.
G20 countries are Germany, the U.S., Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, France, South Africa, South Korea, India, England, Italy, Japan, Canada, Mexica, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and EU Commission.
G20 summit will be held in China in 2016.
Azerbaijan is Turkey's invitee
Host country may invite non-member countries. Azerbijan has been invited to participate the G20 summit in Antalya.
Other invited countries
Spain is permanent invitee of G20. Singapore participates in the summit in the capacity as Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Term President, Zimbabwe participates in the capacity as African Union Term President, and Senegal participates in capacity as New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Term President.
Which leaders are coming?
Obama and Putin are expected in Antalya
U.S. President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President François Hollande, UK Prime Minister David Cameron are among the participants.
Canadian President Trudeau's first
43-year-old Justin Trudeau winning 180 seats in 338-seat parliament will come to the summit too in Antalya.
Climate forum will be held
G20 representatives responsible for 74 percent of global emissions that cause climate change will be discussing in Antalya the economic aspects of climate change.
Thus, the outcome of the summit holds great importance before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP21).
In the Climate Forum to be held in Boğaziçi University on November 12-13 before G20 summit, 150,000 participants from around 60 countries, the climate change will be discussed in detail. (NV/TK)
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