Protestors Take Streets After Soma Workplace Murder

Following the workplace murder that killed more than 200 workers in Soma district, dozens of protests have emerged across Turkey's universities, streets and streets.
Many people protested the workplace murder in Soma district by lying on the ground at Taksim metro and many others protested the murder by doing sit-in-protest at Güvenpark, Ankara and Kadıköy Boğa Statue.
Boycott calls and protests are going on in universities.
Protest in front of Soma Holding
More than a hundred people gathered in front of Soma Coal Company’s headquarters in Istanbul's Levent district. Police tanks and riot police forces blocked the entrance to the street. Demonstrators protested the workplace murder with a press statement.
Local business owners went out of business
Local business owners in Kadıköy Piriçavuş Street went out of business today. They hanged work place murder protesting photos on their shops and black clothing to the entrance of the street.
On-field Commemoration from Sivasspor
Sivasspor Technical Director Roberto Carlos and the players opened up a banner for Soma coal mine murder that says “For those gave up their lives for a handful of coal… May they rest in peace”. Carlos and the players posed to the media with coal pieces sitting in a cart.
Police gas on METU
Photo credit: Gökhan Balcı / AA
Police attacked Middle East Technical University (METU) students with cannoned water and tear gas to prevent them from walking to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources to protest the work place murder at Soma coal mine.
METU students boycotted classes and ODTU workers stopped working to protest at least 232 miners losing their lives.
Protest with coal at Güvenpark
A group at Güvenpark, Ankara started a respect watch to protest the coal mine explosion in Soma district.
The group left helmets, breads and red cloves right next to the ban that said “Is a handful of coal equal to a lifetime? We are at a humanity watch” Some people painted their faced to black with coal.
Protests at Istanbul's subway
A group of people lied on the ground to protest the workplace murder at Taksim metro.
A ticker at İzmir Göztepe subway said “Our hearts are with Soma”.
From Roboski to Soma
4 students from Youth Opposition began a sit-in-protest last night in front of the Boğa Statue at Kadıköy. They continued the protest in the morning.
A banner that said “Doh Roboskê îro Soma” (Roboski Yesterday, Soma Today) signed Revolutionist Student Associations Federation is hanging at the statue square.
March towards Ministry of Energy
In Ankara, Halkevleri members are walking to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
Protests across Turkey's universities
A group of students from Ankara University Political Science Faculty are leaving coals and helmets in front of the university.
Boycotting Anadolu University students opened up a memorial table with candles and helmets.
Arel University students left cloves and helmets on the table that says “This is not an accident, this is murder”.
Galatasaray University students prepared an exhibition for the workers who lost their lives.
Protest at downtown istanbul at 7pm
Revolutionary Worker Union Confederation (DİSK), Public Laborers Union Confederation (KESK), Turkish Doctors’ Union (TTB) and Turkish Architectures and Engineers Chamber Union (TMMOB) has a call for gathering in front of Taksim Tunnel at 19:00 (BK/ENÜ/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.