Prosecutor: You’d Better Assemble in Kazlıçeşme

* Photo credit: Beyza Kural.
12 individuals including journalists Ahmet Şık and Onur Erem filed a complaint to Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office against PM Erdoğan, Deputy PM Arınç and former minister Güler for abusing their duties due to the police violence during Gezi Resistance.
However, prosecutor decided not to follow charges, saying that the appropriate demonstration area was in Kazlıçeşme.
Among the applicants included those who were wounded or lost organs due to police bomb canisters during the protests.
Prosecutor didn’t find charges “serious” enough
In his response to file complaint, prosecutor Cengiz Hacıosmanoğlu said the aforementioned accusations were not serious enough to be investigated on parliamentary-level with no solid evidence.
“Kazlıçeşme has been assigned as the public demonstration area for Istanbul. There are no permissions for Taksim area,” he wrote.
He lost his eye
Mustafa Demirel has filed a complaint, saying that he lost his eye by a police rubber fired from a close range during a demonstration on July 6.
Galip Görür, another applicant, said he also suffered from eye injuries due to rubber bullet as he was disturbuting biscuits to children at the tent of Sine-Sen located in Gezi Park during protests.
Police beat and sprayed gas
According to the complaint, TMMOB Executive Board member Alper Merdoğlu has been assaulted by policemen on December 13 where he was dragged in between police vehicles and beaten and sprayed gas right at his face.
Protestor attacked by a man with machete
Journalist Ahmet Şık, on the other hand, was hit by gas bomb canister even though he was wearing a helmet. Journalist Onur Erem suffered from extreme amounts of tear gas, he complained.
Applicant Ender Ergün claimed that he was attacked and injured by a man with machete in Talimhane area.
35 days of coma
Cihan Mutlu is also one of many people whose head suffered from a gas bomb canister. While he remained in ICU for 3 days, he was discharged afterwards. Jale Tan complained that she suffered from 2 broken ribs after TOMA sprayed water at her.
Gökçe Algan, on the other hand, suffered from head trauma from a gas bomb canister and stayed in coma for 35 days during which she went through 3 surgeries. Other applicants were listed Alaattin Timur, Mustafa Ufuk Atakan and Ergin Şahin. (AS/BM)
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