Prosecutor's Office Launches Investigation Against TV Anchor Portakal

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The Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in Bakırköy district of İstanbul has launched an investigation against Fox TV anchor Fatih Portakal because of what he said on prime-time news bulletin on December 10, 2018.
It has been stated that a written request has been made to Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) for the records of the mentioned program and the 16 complaint petitions submitted against Portakal were combined.
What did Portakal say?
While presenting the news on December 10, Portakal said,
"Here we go, let's protest these price increases, the increases in prices of natural gas with a peaceful protest demonstration. Come on, let's do it. Can we do it? How many people can take to the streets out of fear and concern? Can you please tell me, for God's sake, how many people can take to the streets? They are trying to take the individual and social opposition under pressure, they are trying to intimidate them.
"It is the most natural right, but it cannot be implemented. To be honest, it doesn't make any difference whether it is in France or Turkey."
From Erdoğan to Portakal: This nation will hit you in the back of your neck
After these statements, Fatih Portakal was targeted by pro-government media outlets as well as President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who said,
"Somebody, I do not know if he is orange, mandarin or citrus, calls people to streets. Know your place. If you do not know your place, this nation will hit you in the back of your neck. Nobody can play games with my nation's honor. That would cost them dear."
CLICK - Journalism Organizations Comment on Erdoğan's Threat to TV Anchor Fatih Portakal
The Radio and Television Supreme Council also imposed a penalty of broadcast suspension for three days and an administrative fine on FOX TV Prime News Bulletin presented by Fatih Portakal. (HA/VK)