Prosecutor demands jail for journalists protesting detention of colleagues

A prosecutor has requested prison sentences for six journalists who organized a protest on April 29, 2023, in support of their colleagues who were arrested in operations centered in Diyarbakır and Ankara.
In the case being heard at the Istanbul Anadolu 22nd Criminal Court of First Instance, the prosecutor gave his opinion for ETHA editor Pınar Gayıp, Evrensel reporter Eylem Nazlıer, Direniş reporter Esra Soybir, Mücadele Birliği reporter Serpil Ünal, Gazete Patika reporter Yadigar Aygün, and journalist Zeynep Kuray.
The prosecutor demanded that the journalists be punished for "participating in an illegal meeting and march without weapons and refusing to disperse despite warnings," citing that they "did not end the demonstration and meeting despite all warnings."
The court granted the journalists time to prepare their defenses regarding the prosecutor's opinion. The final hearing of the case is scheduled for October 31.
The Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office is demanding the journalists to be sentenced from 6 months to 3 years of prison.