Professional Organizations Make a Call to Bakırköy for May Day Celebrations in İstanbul

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The May 1 Organization Committee has announced that this year's May Day celebrations in İstanbul will be held in Bakırköy open market area.
Making a joint statement for the press on April 10, the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK), Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK), Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) and Turkish Medical Association (TTB) made a call for Taksim to celebrate the May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day.
Two days later, the May 1 Committee consisting of the above professional organizations applied to the Governorship of İstanbul, stating that they would like to celebrate the May Day at Taksim Square.
However, it was announced yesterday (April 25) that the application of the committee was again rejected by the governorship and the DİSK was verbally informed about the rejection.
The May 1 Organization Committee made another statement for the press in front of the Süreyya Opera House in Kadıköy today and announced that they would gather at Bakırköy open market area at 12.00 for the May Day.
Taksim has been banned since 2013
It was in 2012 that the May Day could be officially celebrated at Taksim Square for the last time. Since 2013, when also Gezi Park protests erupted a month later, the governorship has not been allowing the May Day celebrations to take place in Taksim. (TP/SD)