Probation Letter For Sick Inmate

Lawyer Gülizar Tuncer requested the release of sick inmate Ramazan Özalp in her motion she submitted to Bakırköy Executive Attorney’s Office.
Tuncer requested the execution of Ramazan Özalp’s sentence be postponed. “Özalp is in prison for 21 years now that his life sentence is certain,” she further stated.
“Özalp is detained in a mosque of Dirsekli village in İdil district of Şırnak province in 1993. He was paralysed from the left side of his body and has a tumor as he was sentenced to life in PKK lawsuit. He has a report from Forensics Institute (ATK) stating that he is “unfit for prison”. Despite all this, he is still kept in Metris Prison and his condition is bad,” the motion cited.
From prison to prison
Lawyer Tuncer highlighted the following in the motion addressed to Bakırköy Executive Attorney’s Office:
“My client who sickened in Midyat Prison and was sent to Mardin State Hospital, became paralyzed after the operation as a brain tumor is found in the examinations.
“Doctors realised that the resection tumor of the client who was paralysed from the left side of his body, is growing after the examinations. They reported the need for a general hospital to re-operate and then the client is transported to Urfa Type E Prison for treatment.
“In the committee report prepared after the examinations in Urfa Education and Research Center, despite having stated ‘The sickness is continuous. It has left an injury. It may possibly grow. Needs further supervision.’, bed-ridden Özalp stayed for three months in Urfa Prison and then relocated to Amasya Prison instead of treatment.”
The motion also reminded that Ramazan Özalp was issued a report saying that he is not in situation to maintain his needs in prison by himself. “However,” the motion continued, “Gendarmerie authorities also issued a report saying that he was ‘posing a threat to the public security’ for which Bakırköy Executive Attorney’s Office decline the request for my client’s probation.”
“No need for new report”
“The client’s transportation from Metris Type R Prison to Samatya Education and Research Center shows how bad the situation is and that he must be urgently released.
“Without the need to take a Forensics Institute report, it is necessary to take essential steps to speed up the process regarding the urgence of the situation and the approval of the report via Forensics Institute.
“On the scope of 3rd Law package, however, as stated in Paragraph No: 6411 of 24/01/2013, the condition of “unharming for security of public” is in no relation with the postponing of execution sentences of sick prisoners.”
“Due to the current sicknesses and treatment not being carried out in prison along with problems occurred during taking the report, considering that his recent condition is worsening and unfit to stay in prison, as he is near-death above all, the client should be immediately released.”
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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