Private hospital nurse: I've been put on unpaid leave, I have no income right now

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Boğaziçi University Social Policy Forum has released a study entitled, "Employee Experiences in İstanbul during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Examination."
The subheading of the study is "Well, how to get out of this is not clear right now."
The research report includes an analysis of 61 interviews made through April and in early May.
It also includes these titles: "Experiences of employees who cannot continue working in the pandemic period," "Experiences of those who continued work and whose workload decreased," "Experiences of those who continued working and whose workload either remained same or increased," "Experiences of casual employees," "Experiences of those who work on their own behalves," and "Experiences of unregistered workers."
Here are some of these experiences:
"Of course we got a little bit less money"
First, they sent us to work from home for a week or two. At the start of the second week of March, the boss said, 'Don't come in this period, don't use public transportation, don't put yourselves at risk.' Anyway, our [work] is generally through the mail, there was no reason for us to be there personally. After that, when the business got quite bad, it also got very bad financially, 10 people, including me, were dismissed. Of course, we got a little bit less money but we got our notice payment and salaries for that month. (Man, 26 years old, salaried, registered, does not continue working, small business, service, administrative and support service, office employee, May 7).
"I didn't like being made to use my annual leave"
To be honest, I didn't like it at all that I suddenly fell into such a situation, being made to use my annual leave. After all, this is accumulated throughout the year and we use it when we want to relieve our minds... Because we are in the service sector, you can't say, 'Let's go on vacation for 15 days,' anyway. You can go for a maximum of four days, five days, you go for one week at most. To be honest, it was an assurance that we had, we used for vacation sometimes. (Man, 27 years old, salaried, registered, does not continue working, midsize business, service, other service operations, guest relations, April 23).
"There will be a decrease in our salaries"
The salary was like this: Our employer applied to the İŞKUR [Turkish Employment Agency]. It was like this... It has not yet been concluded but according to the statement of the state, a maximum of 60 percent of salaries will be paid. And I think the number of insurance days will have an effect on the salary we will receive, so that rate is not certain for every employee. Let's say, I may get 20 percent [of my salary] and another employee may get 50 percent. It's like this... An application has been made to the İŞKUR, it has not yet been concluded, but there will be a decline in our salaries for sure. (Woman, 29 years old, salaried, registered, does not continue working, small business, industry, production, brand coordinator, April 29).
"My income is lost"
I can't get my salary right now. Because I have been put on unpaid leave, my income is lost. I am without an income right now. (Man, 24 years old, salaried, registered, does not continue working, small business, service, accommodation and food services, waiter and DJ, April 15).
"The money that the state gives is not enough for us"
"The support the state gives is not enough for us. It doesn't meet our salary. The money that the state gives doesn't earn me a livelihood. (Man, 38 years old, salaried, registered, does not continue working, midsize business, industry, production, textile worker, April 19).
"We are left with half salary"
As a result, it was said the İŞKUR will pay half [of the salary] and the hospitals will pay the other half. Then it was said that İŞKUR didn't accept, didn't approve. We are left with half a salary. You work hard and then your rights are taken away from you with half a salary... People are rightly pissed off. (Woman, 31 years old, salaried, registered, continues working with a decreased workload, large business, service, human health and social service operations, nurse, May 3).
"Everybody has a payment"
Our salary inevitably fell in half because we work part-time. Of course, the state will provide support, it is a separate thing, but everybody has payments. Some have car debt, some have house debt, some have credit card debt, everybody has some debt. This has inevitably affected us as well. First of all, how will the payments be? (Man, 34 years old, salaried, registered, continues working with a reduced workload, small, service, wholesale and retail trade, store manager, April 20).
"People continue to work even if they have symptoms"
Firms, especially construction sites, don't direct people to anything. People continue working even if there are symptoms like a cough. I talked with the institution that employs me and saw the family doctor because I had symptoms such as cough, fatigue and muscle pain. My family doctor asked for a report to be written for precautionary purposes. (Woman, 27 years old, salaried, registered, continues to work with an increased workload, large business, construction, construction, archaeologist, April 15). (AS/VK)
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