'Prison Administrative Observatory Committees are replacing the courts'

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Nedime Yaklan in Sincan Closed Women's Prison has not been released from prison with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee in the prison despite she was acquitted in a file, stating that the case related to the file is ongoing.
Dilan Oynaş was not released from the prison and her parole postponed indefinitely because she went on hunger strike and another case was presented against her pressing propaganda charges.
Berin Sarı has not been released from the prison since December 20, 2021 with decisions of the Administrative Observatory Committee, postponing her release five times.
Sebahat Tuncel was the one to petition the Ministry of Justice about at least 14 women who have not been released from the prison when due with Administrative Observatory Committee decisions.
"Inequality is experienced utmost in prisons"
Politician Sebahat Tuncel who is being kept in the Sincan Closed Women's Prison and standing trial in the Kobani case, listed the prisoners whose release from prison is prevented by administrative decisions.
These committees are replacing the courts and punishing the prisoners, their families and the society, Tuncel stated in the petition she has sent to the Ministry of Justice.
"Article 10 of the Constitution of Turkey regulates that everyone is equal before the law," reminded the imprisoned politician the Ministry.
"Your Ministry which should provide justice and apply the laws equally to to all citizens is unfortunately discriminating against some and overlooking violation of the Constitution," Tuncel said.
Noting that there is discrimination and unlawful and unjust practices against political prisoners and convicts, she added that the prisoners face new disipline investigations, punishments or new investigations when they stand up to these.
Tuncel cited the postponement of the time that prisoners will be released from prison as one of the worst unjust practices. This does not only affect the individuals in prison but also their families and the whole society, she added.
*The Administrative Observatory Committees established in the prison following an amendement in the law concerning execution in the previous legislative period is taking away the rights that the prisoners and convicts have according to the Constitution or the laws," she said.
Mostly against Kurdish political prisoners
"An Administrative Observatory Committee puts itself in the place of a court and imposes unjust penalties on prisoners and verdicts. Objections to the decisions of these committees (to the judges of execution) are evaluated only formally and the judges usually only approve the committee decisions," Tuncel stated in her petition.
Giving examples as to how the rights of the prisoners are being taken away through these administrative decisions, Tuncel also noted that this is being done against the Kurdish political prisoners and convicts in most of the cases.
Prisoners not released from prison
Tuncel listed the prisoners not released from prison through administrative decisions in her petition:
1. Mukaddes Kubilay was to be released on August 04, 2022 which was postponed first for 3 months and then 6 months. On April 24, 2023, the same has been postponed indefinetly.
2.Zeynep Bingöl, 22.07.2022’de tahliye olması gerekirken 2 defa 3 aylık sürelerle tahliyesi ertelenmiştir.
3. Rozerin Kurt was to be released on November 23, 2022. She is not being released on grounds that there is an investigation that Ankara Chief Prosecutor's Office is carrying out about her.
4. Özlem Demir was to be released on December 11, 2022 which was released because she was a co-chairperson in People's Democratic Party (HDP) and because there was a disiplinary proceedings against her.
5. Sedef Demir was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 3 times.
6. Sermin Demirbağ was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 2 times.
7. Sabite Ekinci was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 3 times.
8. Jiyan Ateş was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 5 times.
9. Rojda Erez was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 5 times.
10. Hanım Yıldırım was to be released which was postponed with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee 5 times.
11.Necla Yıldız was to be released which was postponed for 3 months with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee. An investigation was started about her because she went on hunger strike and her release was postponed indefinitely because there were disiplinary proceedings against her.
12. Dilan Oynaş was to be released which was postponed indefinitely because she went on hunger strike and another case was presented against her pressing propaganda charges.
13. Berin Sarı was to be released on December 20, 2021 which was postponed 5 times with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee.
14.Nedime Yaklan has not been released from prison with the decision of the Administrative Observatory Committee in the prison despite she was acquitted in a file, stating that the case related to the file is ongoing.
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