Prime Minister: "Every Abortion is Uludere"

"Every Abortion is Uludere. Abortion is an insidious plan to eliminate a nation from the world stage" told Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at AKP Women's Branch Congress.
Erdoğan made this odd speech at AKP Women's Branch Congress and his statement led to confusions as he used "murder", "Uludere" and "eliminating from the world stage" metaphors in order to describe abortion. Women reacted to this speech and people in social media discussed whether his statement also meant 'Uludere is murder'.
''I am talking to some groups and media members who oppose to what I've said. You constantly discuss 'Uludere'. Every abortion is an Uludere. You kill a child in the womb of a mother before he was born. What's the difference? We have to struggle against this altogether. We have to know that it is an insidious plan to eliminate a nation from the world stage'' said Erdoğan at his speech.
What had Mr. Erdogan said before?
Prime Minister Erdoğan talked about Uludere in his speech in the morning; and in his afternoon speech he said that he was against C-section surgery and abortion.
On his return from Kazakhstan, Mr. Erdoğan said:
"We had already done what was required of us in this situation.We had already taken steps that were tantamount to an apology. The financial compensations are paid to the families of the victims.
"AKP officials and their wives had also visited these families.
"The legal investigation of the incident is currently under way and that is almost all we can do.
"The terrorist organizations and their extensions are manupilating the agenda by keeping this issue alive. There are people who try to exploit this incident.
His statement at 2012 Parliamentarians' Conference of International Conference on Population and Development was as follows:
"I consider abortion as murder. Nobody should have the right to allow this. You either kill a baby in mother's womb or you kill it after birth. There's no difference." (ÇT)