Presidents Appointed to 15 Universities by President Erdoğan

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President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has appointed presidents to 15 universities. The appointments were published on the Official Gazette today (September 6).
Of the 15 universities, 11 of them are the new universities which have been established after the division of universities.
While 13 of the presidents appointed by President Erdoğan are men, only two of them are women.
Erdoğan has also appointed Prof. Dr. Halis Aygün as the Chair of the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
15 presidents
The university presidents appointed by Erdoğan are as follows:
Afyonkarahisar University of Health Sciences - Prof. Dr. Nurullah Okumuş.
Anadolu University - Prof. Dr. Şafak Ertan Çomaklı
Erciyes University - Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çalış
Eskişehir Technical University - Prof. Dr. Tuncay Döğeroğlu
Isparta University of Applied Sciences - Prof. Dr. İbrahim Diler
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University - Prof. Dr. Niyazi Can
Kayseri University - Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş Karamustafa
Kırıkkale University - Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan
Konya Teknik University - Prof. Dr. Babür Özçelik
Kütahya University of Health Sciences - Prof. Dr. Vural Kavuncu
Malatya Turgut Özal University - Prof. Dr. Aysun Bay Karabulut
Sakarya University of Applied Sciences - Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sarıbıyık
Samsun University - Prof. Dr. Mahmut Aydın
Tarsus University - Prof. Dr. Orhan Aydın
Trabzon University - Prof. Dr. Emin Aşıkkutlu