Presidential candidates urge ballot box safety while awaiting results
As they await the preliminary results of Turkey's presidential and parliamentary elections, both Incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, his main opponent Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the joint candidate of the Nation's Alliance, and outsider candidate Sinan Oğan emphasize the importance of safeguarding the ballot boxes.
Having cast his ballot earlier today at the Argentine Primary School in Ankara, Kılıçdaroğlu urges voters to remain at the ballot boxes until all procedures are correctly completed.
"I want to address our democracy heroes. Until the signed final ballot report is delivered, never leave the ballot boxes under any circumstances. The full and accurate manifestation of the will of the people depends on your determination. You will see that it will be worth your fatigue," The Republican People's Party (CHP) leader shares on his twitter account.
Demokrasi kahramanlarımıza seslenmek istiyorum. İmzalı son sandık tutanağı teslim edilene kadar, ne olursa olsun asla sandıkların başından ayrılmayın. Millet iradesinin tam ve doğru biçimde tecelli etmesi sizin kararlılığınıza bağlı. Göreceksiniz, yorgunluğunuza değecek. ????????
— Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (@kilicdarogluk) May 14, 2023
President Erdoğan who voted in Istanbul's Üsküdar district but left for Turkey's capital afterward to watch the results, tweeted a similar message:
"Dear companions in our common cause and journey... The voting process throughout our country has been successfully completed in a manner befitting our democracy. Now, as always, it is time to tightly protect the ballot boxes . Let us continue to safeguard the will of our nation until the results are finalized!"
Değerli dava ve yol arkadaşlarım...
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RTErdogan) May 14, 2023
Oy verme işlemi ülkemiz genelinde, hamdolsun, demokrasimize yakışır bir şekilde tamamlandı. Şimdi, her zaman olduğu gibi sandıklara sıkı sıkıya sahip çıkma vakti. Sonuçlar kesinleşinceye kadar milletimizin iradesini korumaya devam!..
"Dear citizens, we have completed the elections that hold historical significance for the future of democratic Turkey. I congratulate all of our citizens. It is now time to protect the ballot boxes until the last votes are counted. Let's safeguard the ballot boxes, #AnGeliyor," Sinan Oğan, the front-runner of the Ancestral Alliance, writes on his account.
Sevgili vatandaşlarım, tarihi önemi haiz seçimleri demokratik Türkiye'nin geleceği için tamamladık. Tüm yurttaşlarımızı kutluyorum. Şimdi de son oylar sayılıncaya kadar sandıklara sahip çıkma zamanı.
— Dr. Sinan Oğan (@DrSinanOgan) May 14, 2023
Sandıklara sahip çıkalım,#AnGeliyor
The release of preliminary results is normally prohibited before 9:00 PM but has just been lifted. (WM)