President’s Permission Now Needed to Investigate Chief of Intelligence

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Statutory decree no. 694 was published in the Official Gazette today (August 25). The National Intelligence Coordination Council (MİKK) connected to the President was formed through the decree.
Any investigation against the Chief of National Intelligence Agency (MİT) will require the permission of the president. In the case that permission is granted, the investigation will be run by the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals.
The intelligence services concerning the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Ministry of National Defense personnel will be run by MİT. MİT will be able to conduct all sorts of research about the Ministerial and TSK personnel as a part of security investigations.
Investigation against MPs
According to the statutory decree no.694, investigations can be launched into crimes that MPs committed before or after elections.
Authorization for investigation and prosecution of MPs who are claimed to have committed a crime before or after an election was granted to the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the heavy penal court of this office. (EKN/TK/LN)