President Gül's Diyarbakir Trip Arouses Vexed Reactions

The Diyarbakir provincial heads of the ruling AKP and opposition parties have different expectations from President Abdullah Gül's visit to Diyarbakir.
According to Provincial Head Mehmet Baki Aksoy of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Gül's visit is a touristic visit, and he has nothing concrete to do for the solution of the Kurdish problem. Provincial Head Muzaffer Değer of the Republican People's Party stated that the main problem is unemployment, while Provincial Head Mehmet Ali Aydın of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) is expecting statements that would reduce tension.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, government officials and the General Staff had reacted against proposals by BDP and the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) on mother tongue and democratic autonomy and stated that these cannot even be discussed. Gül, who did not make any statements directly about the Kurdish problem, mirrored the National Security Council's approach on the first day of his visit.
"Media has expectations "
AKP provincial head Aksoy, who accompanied President Gul during his visit, answered bianet's questions as they were travelling towards the Organized Industrial zone.
Aksoy advocated that contrary to the belief, the people of Diyarbakır are not in any kind of an expectation. "It is not the people, it is the media, that is in an expectation," said Aksoy.
"This is a regular city visit. But the media is portraying this visit as a visit to a city, which has very high expectations. This visit was in his agenda. He is not a political persona."
"Gül may make statements parallel to those of the MGK"
CHP Provincial Head Değer, on the other hand, stated that the people are expecting a solution to the Kurdish problem, as well as the economic, social and cultural and especially the unemployment problems of the region.
Değer stated that Gül could be expected to make a statement parallel to the National Security Council's (MGK) "Single nation, country, state, flag" statement. He added that, his comments on the democratic opening continue to be a source of curiosity for people.
"Let his statements break the prejudice against Kurdish"
BDP's new Provincial Head Aydın, whose term began today, said that Gül's statements are important in terms of "breaking the prejudice against Kurdish language."
Aydın added that it is important for President Gül to make statements that would reduce the tension and to keep the people's hopes alive.
"A provocation is going on, as if BDP claimed that 'Turkey's official language is Kurdish,'" said Aydın. "Despite the fact that the statements by the MGK and the Prime Minister have killed our hopes, we are expecting a statement from the President regarding the solution of the problem." (BT)
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