President Gül Ratifies Alcohol Restrictions

President Gül ratified the bill proposal that restricted the sale, consumption and promotion of alcoholic beverages.
While the bill aimed to “protect the youth from bad addictions”, the average alcohol consumption per person in Turkey only remain 1.5 liters per year - around 3 bottles of beer.
Some of the limitations on the public use of alcohol included:
* All commercials and promotions of alcoholic beverages will be banned. All campaigns favoring the use and purchase of alcohol will be banned.
* All local or imported alcoholic beverages will be required to include disclaimers in Turkish on the harms of alcohol products. The disclaimers may include images, graphics or signs. The sale of alcohol products without the a disclaimer will be banned.
* Alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages will no longer carry flamboyant logos, badges or signs.
* All alcoholic beverages will be required to have clear and readable ingredients information including the alcohol percentage.
* Alcoholic beverages will be consumed in designated open spaces and will not be allowed outside designated areas. The sale of alcoholic beverages will be banned if it is visible from outside.
* Designated areas for alcohol sale will at least be 100 meters away from public schools, cram schools, student residences and prayer spaces. This requirement will not apply to touristic establishments.
* The sale of alcoholic beverages will be banned in gas stations including their stores and restaurants.
* Drunk drivers will pay 700 liras and lose their driver’s license for 6 months.
* The sale of alcoholic beverages in automats will be banned. Orders through internet, telephone or television will be banned.
* No alcoholic beverages will be sold in restaurants at state-run highways.
* The sale of alcoholic beverages will be banned in students residences, healthcare institutions, stadiums, all educational institutions, cafes, patisseries and game salons.
* Individuals violating these regulations will receive fines up to 500 liras. (EKN/BM)