Powells Kiss Draws Turkey in The Coalition
Yet, Powells words and promises were not as convincing for the anti-war protestors. A group of demonstrators Wednesday shouted against American imperialism as Powell visited Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. In Istanbul too demonstrators gathered in front of the American Consulate urging for the US bases closed, No Northern Front!
However, even before Powell and Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gull appeared in the Wednesday afternoon press briefing, Turkish cargo trucks had already passed the Turkish-Iraq border; reportedly carrying humanitarian aid in the US controlled Northern Iraq.
There are reports that the trucks were also loaded with military vehicles.
Kiss and make-up
The pessimists, who feared the bizarre prospects of Turkish parliaments refusal in March of military cooperation in the US war on Iraq, may now feel better, as Ankara and Washington restore ties following a months mutual statements of diffidence.
The make-up begins, observes political analyst Cengiz Candar, commenting on Powells Wednesday televised joint press briefing with his counterpart Abdullah Gul.
Powells visit marks Turkeys cooperation into low intensity military activities with the US, he observes, commenting on Turkish Foreign Minister Abdulah Guls statement that cooperation resumes on many levels. Fuel and food will be channeled from Turkey, the wounded will be transferred through Turkey.
Powell too confirms that cooperation will be overseen by a joint coordination committee and it will also include search and rescue operations.
Soared relations
Ankara-Washington relations have soared since Mar. 1 when Turkish parliament refused a government motion to allow US forces use Turkish airbases and seaports for air attacks and land troops deployment in Northern Iraq to the preconceived Northern Front in the US war on Iraq.
Most political observers and analysts here had believed that the Turkish parliament, dominated by the ruling AKP (Justice and Development Party), would pass the motion what in turn would benefit Turkey fresh US financial aid of 6 billion dollars or long-term loans of 24 billion dollars value plus a satisfactory lot from the future reconstruction contracts in post-war Iraq as sealed between Turkish and US officials prior to the vote.
The parliaments unexpected refusal and Colin Powells blunt reaction that the offer is not on the table anymore, shocked the Turkish establishment with awe who since 1945 have relied on US support in regional and global military and financial calculus.
Turkey and United States have remained close allies since 1945 when Turkey, under perceived Soviet threat joined the Western alliance against communism. Turkish participation in the 1950 Korean War and following incorporation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has gained Ankara a key geo-strategic position on the US led organizations southeastern flank.
Reaffirming strategic partnership after the fall of the Soviet Union and of the disintegration of the Warsaw Pact, Turkey and United States had increased military and political cooperation particularly during the 1991 Gulf War when Turkey joined the Allies and opened the airspace for allied air attacks on Iraq.
In turn Washington, in spite of human rights concerns raised by the US Congress, has become Turkeys major arms supplier during 15 years of fight against the Kurdish guerrilla PKK; staunchly supported Turkeys membership in the European Union and promoted transportation of Caspian oil via Baku-Ceyhan pipeline route, what is expected to gain Turkey a major position in channeling Central Asian oil in the global market.
However Ankara-Washington relations have not always been free of major setbacks, the background to present popular resentment against the US war on Iraq.
Cyprus conflict comprises the major defect in Turkish US relations. Having averted Ankara from intervention in the island in 1964 during bloody ethnic strifes between Greeks and Turks, the US has followed on to impose arms embargo against Ankara, after 1974 Turkish invasion of the north part of the island upon the Athens backed coup.
Banning, in 1971, of poppy farming, once a major source of income for a significant part of rural population in Turkey, under apparent US pressure too has also gained the US great notoriety among Turkish farmers.
Some political analysts raise profound concerns that Turkeys refusal of military cooperation with United States alongside comprising a new setback with the strategic partner also rings the bells for a new financial crisis for the Turkish economy what desperately depends on US support for IMF loans.
Anticipating a financial crisis following the strife we have to face the burden of a new crisis, believes Ertugrul Ozkok, chief editor of Turkeys major mainstream daily Hurriyet.
If 30 or 40 percent of the present workforce would lose their jobs in the industrial hubs of Gaziantep or Izmir, the same percentage of those anti-war deputies should resign to meet their unemployment fees, said an angry Ozkok who believed the parliament decision pushed Turkey on the side of Iraq to cut the countrys ties with the West.
Turkey already suffers from the consequences of 2001 financial crisis, what has brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. With 85 billion dollars of domestic and 125 billion dollars of foreign debt Turkey desperately needs the US backing for IMF loans to implement the recovery program.
Turkeys business community too shares Ozkoks concerns. Tuncay Ozilhan, chair of Turkish Industrialists and Businessmens Association (TUSIAD) raises doubts in a late March statement that unless we recollect our brains we will have to say farewell all our ideals and fancies, to retreat as far back as 50 years and begin everything from the start.
Turkey, on every issue has found itself pushed in the corner, says an alarmed Ozilhan. From now on, whatever deal we may enter in with the United States, normalization of Turkish-US relations would require even more time than it had after the 1974 US arms embargo, told a pessimistic Ozilhan, Turkish producer of Coca Cola!
Ozilhan is also weary of the prospect that Turkey isolates itself from the European Union and from the international community as well after refuting the Annan Plan for a solution in the divided Cyprus Island.
I doubt if we might remain economically strong while becoming isolated from the rest of the world, he told journalists. The only prospect for Turkey after all these is to remain as an authoritarian and impoverished Middle East nation.
Anti-war movement reacts
However, anti-war sympathizers are not as pessimistic. Contrarily, the refusal of the motion and Turkeys remaining out of this war has gained the country immense prestige among the worlds peace-loving peoples and governments., says Haluk Agabeyolu, a financial manager, and a spokesperson for the vast anti-war umbrella organization No to War on Iraq Coordination.
Turkeys geo-strategic value does not depend on whether it sides with the US war or not, but it depends on whether Turkey is a peace-building nation or not, he told IPS.
Turkish people and the parliament, in spite of its contrary policies, have finally gained the government an invaluable international position. Thats why Colin Powell is now visiting Ankara, to repair the already broken ties due to American arrogance.
Albeit expressing distress from the refusal of the motion Colin Powell Wednesday confirmed that Turkish-US relations are powerful and date back to 50 years,
Turkey is a major nation in the coalition, Powell told. We were all disappointed of the refusal of the motion, but we have been able to solve the resulting problems through the efforts of our capable specialists.
Sami Evren chair of large public workers union KESK, who leads the anti-war activities, too converges on the opinion that Powells visit aims at drawing Turkey deeper in the US war: Although, Turkey is prevented from entering into Northern Iraq, it has adopted a new position to reinforce US military presence in the area.
Turkey is positioning itself alongside the aggressor with an eye to readjusting its economic policies with the US aid.
That is disgusting. Turkish public should not and will not join this mess. (ENDS)
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