Politicians react to Gezi verdict

Reactions continue to pour in following the announcement of the Gezi Park Trial verdict by the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation yesterday.
In the verdict, Osman Kavala's life sentence and the 18-year prison sentences for Çiğdem Mater, Can Atalay, Tayfun Kahraman, and Mine Özerden were upheld, while the sentences for Ali Hakan Altınay, Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi, and Mücella Yapıcı were overturned.

Turkey’s top appeals court upholds Osman Kavala’s life sentence
Several politicians, including CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Green Left Party Co-Spokespersons İbrahim Akın, TİP Chairman Erkan Baş, DEVA Party Chair Ali Babacan, and Future Party Chair Ahmet Davutoğlu, expressed their reactions on social media regarding the Court of Cassation's Gezi verdict.
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: This decision is a great shame
"The Court of Cassation has become complicit in the disgrace of labeling the Gezi Park Resistance, a struggle for democracy, as a 'crime' by instruction. It should be remembered that the Gezi resistance is the loud voice of young people who called for freedom in our democratic history. No power can silence this voice! This decision is a great shame!"
İbrahim Akın: We condemn this unlawful decision
"Gezi belongs to the people! Gezi is the name of the people's resistance against oppression! The Gezi resistance is the name of struggle and honor!
“History will write Gezi like this, and those who want to discredit it will not escape being consigned to the garbage dump of history. There has never been an authoritarian regime praised in history. Today's authoritarian regimes will also be discarded by the people in the place in history that suits them.”
Erkan Baş: For freedom…
"Starting with our Hatay deputy Can Atalay, I do not accept the judicial coup against the freedom of the working people through the sentences approved for all Gezi prisoners. For freedom, I will take my first step from Hatay to Ankara on October 1. I know that I am not alone. The palace will also learn!"
Ali Babacan: Justice is essential for all of us
"While we celebrate the releases on one hand, we also experience deep sorrow in the face of the sentences that were approved based on allegations without evidence. The decision, which was issued with no evidence, has wounded consciences. Justice is essential for all of us."
Ahmet Davutoğlu: A sad example of the politicization of law
"The Court of Cassation's confirmation of the Gezi Park trial, which had already become controversial due to lengthy legal proceedings following the release of gangs through concealed amnesty laws and which was used as a club by the government against the opposition, has become one of the sad examples showing how much the law has been politicized in our country. As we prepare to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic, we should aim to establish the rule of law in our constitutional order rather than turning the judiciary into a tool to intimidate the opposition, end polarization, and open the way for social peace."
Meral Danış Beştaş: Gezi is our honor
"You cannot create guilt from Osman Kavala, Can Atalay, Tayfun Kahraman, Mine Özerden, and Çiğdem Mater. Together with millions, we all shout, '#GeziIsOurHonor.'"
Özgür Özel: Gezi cannot be prosecuted
"In the face of the unjust Gezi Park decision of the Court of Cassation, we stand with the law and Osman Kavala, Can Atalay, Tayfun Kahraman, Mine Özerden, and Çiğdem Mater. Although we are pleased with the release of Mücella Yapıcı and Hakan Altınay, we once again declare that #GeziIsOurHonor! #GeziCannotBeProsecuted!"
Gamze Taşçıer: Darkness fades, Gezi remains
"Those who openly endorse this oppression and injustice, those who shyly approve, those who remain silent, those who remain indifferent, know that universal principles of law and justice will be essential for you too..."
Sevda Karaca: Gezi belongs to the people
"The one-man judiciary has shown once again that it bows not to justice and law but to the words that come out from between one man's lips. Those who do not drop the word 'people's will' from their tongues have once again trampled on the will of millions who came together for equality, justice, and freedom during Gezi. Gezi belongs to the people; it belongs to its people. This government and the legitimacy of its rigged judiciary have no place in history. The broadest struggle of the people will be the power to free the Gezi prisoners against those who want to threaten the people. We will organize this with all our might and free our imprisoned comrades."
Perihan Koca: Freedom for all Gezi prisoners
"Gezi was millions of us. Gezi is us. Gezi is all of us. #GeziIsOurHonor Gezi Resistance cannot be prosecuted! I learned with sorrow that the sentences of Gezi Trial defendants, including my dear friend Tayfun Kahraman, were upheld. We will continue our struggle for a democratic rule of law and justice."
Ekrem İmamoğlu: The state's religion is justice
"I sadly learned that the sentences of the Gezi Trial defendants, including my dear friend Tayfun Kahraman, were upheld. We will continue our struggle for a democratic rule of law and justice, despite such setbacks. The state's religion is justice." (VC/VK)