Political Manifestos Banned on Campus With Expulsion Risk

Turkey’s Higher Educational Council (YÖK) amended 3 articles in Student Disciplinary Regulation. The amendment has been implemented after having been published on Turkey’s Official Gazette this morning.
The amendment envisions revisions on “disciplinary faults that require condemnation” and “disciplinary faults that require two semesters of expulsion”. An addendum has been made regarding “the methods of investigation”.
* An revision has been made on “disciplinary faults that require condemnation” with the replacement of “posting posters and banners within educational premises without a consent” to “posting posters and banners as well as distributing political manifestos within educational premises without a consent” on Article 5.
* An revision has been made on “disciplinary faults that require two semesters of expulsion” with the replacement of “committing the aforementioned faults” to “committing the aforementioned faults or forcing an individual or group to organize or attend an unlawful gathering with force” on Article 8.
* An addendum has been made on “the methods of investigation” which envisioned to ban the entry of students in inquiry. “Investigators; if they think it is necessary in the course of investigation, may ask the disciplinary authorities to ban the entry of students in inquiry from higher educational premises.” (BK/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.