‘Police violence has become a part of daily life in Turkey’

* Photo: Emrah Gürel
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The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV-HRFT), Human Rights Association (İHD) and Initiative for Freedom of Expression released their monthly report on violations of freedom of expression and right to assembly and association in Turkey in June yesterday (July 12).
While the findings of the report were shared with the public in an online meeting, the meeting was attended by Coşkun Üsterci (Human Rights Foundation of Turkey/ TİHV-HRFT Secretary General), Ahmet Çiçek (Human Rights Association/ İHD İzmir), Osman İşçi (İHD Ankara), Leman Yurtsever (İHD İstanbul) Ezgi İpek Demir (Diyarbakır İHD) and Şanar Yurdatapan (Initiative for Freedom of Expression).
The rapporteurs talked about the violations of rights committed in their regions in June. Speaking at the online meeting, Coşkun Üsterci from the TİHV-HRFT said, "Restrictions, bans and interventions against the right to freedom of expression and the right to meeting and demonstration continued with full speed in June 2021," moving on the share the following details:
'2,153 cases in the first five months of 2021'
"The right to meeting and demonstration is a basis for a democratic society, together with freedom of expression. However, unfortunately the use of these rights became an exception; whereas interventions and restrictions became a rule in our country.
The reports reveal exactly that. Of course, a key factor that cultivates this situation is the protest and demonstration bans issued by local administrations, as well as the police violence, which exceed the right to use of force and on top of being illegal, it is unmonitored and not prosecuted, almost ignored by the ruling power, which means it's almost being encouraged.
"Police violence has been ordinarised and has become a part of daily life. According to the findings of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey's documentation center, at least 2,153 people were exposed to torture and mistreatment and 23 people were injured as a result of police intervention in the first five months of 2021, from January 1 to May 31.
"Many people were exposed to police violence in June during peaceful meetings and demonstrations. My colleagues have painted a picture of this violence, region by region. I would like to point out which social groups were exposed to such violence the most.
"The LGBTQs were the group facing the most police violence in June. As we all know, there were Pride Week celebrations and marches, events organised within this scope in the second half of June. Almost all events organised were banned, marches organised were intervened by the police with physical violence. Within this frame, across Turkey;
● Two events were prevented by the security forces.
● Events in two districts were banned by District Governorates.
● In one province, an application was made to the Governorate to receive permission for the Pride March, whereas it was denied with due to the "protection of public peace and safety, as well as general health and morality and the prevention of potential incidents of violence and terrorism".
● The Pride Marches organised in three provinces were intervened against using physical violence, 93 people were detained with torture and mistreatment, at least one person was injured.
'Detention during the protest against attack'
"Besides the LGBTQs, the social group facing the most police intervention in June was women. As my dear colleagues have stated in their reports, various events, peaceful meetings and demonstrations organised to protest Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention were intervened against.
"Press statements criticising, questioning and protesting the allegations of Sedat Peker through his videos and social media posts, were intervened against as well. The police intervened against environmental protests.
"Of course, the most striking intervention in June was the intervention against peaceful meetings and demonstrations held by the People's Democratic Party (HDP) members. There were heavy interventions against peaceful meetings and demonstrations organised to protest the killing of Deniz Poyraz during the armed attack against the HDP Izmir Provincial building on June 17, 2021. Many people were detained.
"Governorates in Hakkari, Rize, Osmaniye, Van, Diyarbakır and Ağrı banned all meetings and demonstrations in the provinces with varying durations. Hakkari and Van are the prominent ones regarding such bans. Citizens residing in the two provinces could not use their rights to meeting and demonstration, which is protected by the Turkish Constitution, in any way.
"Of course, Van has been the leader in such bans as in previous months. Van Governorate banned all open-air meetings and demonstrations twice for 15 days, on June 3 and June 18, 2021. With these decrees, the meeting and demonstration ban in Van, which has been ongoing since November 21, 2016, was extended to a continuous 1,684 days."
A day-to-day account of violations in June1. Administrative Bans, Police Interventions 01: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised to commemorate Ethem Sarısülük, who lost his life as a result of the fire opened by the police during the Gezi Park protests. The police detained nine people, using physical violence. 01: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised by Pink Life LGBTQ+ Solidarity Association in front of the courthouse following the hearing of the lawsuit filed against those attacking transsexuals. 01: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised in front of the courthouse regarding detained Health and Social Services Labourers Union (SES) members and executives. 01: Diyarbakır The Governorate postponed all mass events, except obligatory congresses of sports organisations, for 15 days. 01: Hakkari All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 15 days. 01: Manisa Five people, including one foreigner, were detained through house raids due to making illegal organisation propaganda, participating in street demonstrations and conducting illegal organisation activity within the PKK/KCK operation in Turgutlu. 02: Bitlis The Governorate announced a curfew in 10 villages (Kuşluca, Üçtepe, Karaçalı, Çavuşlar, Üzümlü, Sungurlu, Külbastı, Anadere, Ulusoy, Ekindüzü) starting at 22:00 until further notice. 03: Ankara The police prevented the press statement organised by Ankara Medical Chamber in the garden of Ankara Training and Research Hospital regarding the violence exposed by health workers. 03: Istanbul People's Democratic Party (HDP) Esenyurt District executive Cahit Alkan was detained with a raid against HDP Kıraç Representative due to a warrant issued against him. 03: Van All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 15 days. 04: Istanbul People's Democratic Party (HDP) Assembly member Esengül Kılıç was detained during a routine police search on the road as she was going to the central executive board meeting in Ankara, due to a warrant issued against her. Kılıç was later arrested by the court she was taken to. 04: Siirt All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 15 days. 05: Istanbul The police intervened against the press statement organised jointly by different oppositional parties in Kadikoy district, detaining 35 people with physical violence. 06: Bitlis The Governorate announced a curfew in 12 villages of Hizan district, starting at 02:30 until further notice. 06: Mardin All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 30 days. 07: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised in front of the courthouse before the hearing of the lawsuit filed against 33 people regarding the protest they organised on the Istanbul Convention, detaining 15 people using physical violence. 07: Diyarbakır The Kurdish Language Rally was banned by the police. One person was detained as a result of the police intervention against the groups gathering to participate in the rally. 07: Istanbul The police intervened against the sit-in protest organised at Bakırköy Square for re-employment and detained Nursel Tanrıverdi. 08: Istanbul The police intervened against the group, protesting the sexual assault against two children in Bağcılar district, by opening fire in the air. 09: Istanbul Four People's Democratic Party (HDP) members and executives were detained with house raids due to the warrants issued against them. 09: Istanbul The police intervened against the press statement organised at Taksim Square regarding the allegations of Sedat Peker, which he shared on social media. 26 people were detained with physical violence. 09: K. Maraş The gendarmerie intervened against the villagers, who were protesting the biomass energy plant in Çöçelli village, with tear gas. 09: Maraş The gendarmerie intervened against the villagers, who were protesting the biomass energy plant in Çöçelli village, with tear gas. 11: Istanbul The police intervened against the press statement organised at Beyoğlu by Revolutionist Party members regarding the allegations of Sedat Peker, detaining 10 people with physical violence. 12: Bitlis The Governorate announced a curfew in Aşağıbalcılar, Yukarıbalcılar, Ilıcak, Başmaklı, Üçevler, Kalupat, Oğulcak, Çeltikli, Aşağıölek, Yukarıölek, Doğruyol, Bölükyazı, Arıdağ, Akçalı, İçgeçit, Çalıdüzü, Dereağzı, Çadırlı, Karakuş, Aşağıkoçak, Aşağıyolak, Yukarıyolak, Dursun, Yarönü, Beşkaynak, Uçankuş, Kınalı, Bayırlı, Dikme, Yukarıdikme, Aşağıdikme, Kutlu, Akgün, Çobansuyu, Aşağıçobansuyu villages, starting at 07:30 until further notice. The Governorate revoked the curfew on June 14, 2021 at 19:00. 14: Istanbul The police intervened against public workers, who were performing a sit-in protest at Bakırköy Square after they were dismissed from public service. One person was detained. 15: Denizli Two people were detained over allegedly making PKK/KCK propaganda on social media. 15: Izmir Three people were detained due to making PKK/KCK propaganda as well as illegal organisation membership. 16: Adana People's Democratic Party (HDP) Assembly member Muhammet Erkis was detained during the routine identity search made at the entrance of the province. 16: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised by the People's Democratic Party (HDP) in front of the Miners' Statue regarding the June 15-16 Workers' Protests and detained six people using torture and mistreatment, including HDP Ankara Provincial Co-Chair Vezir Coşkun Parlak. 16: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised on Sakarya Street to call for the rally to be organised regarding the Istanbul Convention, detining 18 people with physical violence. 16: Istanbul Five people were detained during house raids against People's Democratic Party (HDP) members and executives. 16: Izmir Four Student Collective members were detained due to chanting slogans that demanded justice for Soma victims near Konak Square. 17: Diyarbakır The police prevented the press statement organised by the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and the People's Democratic Party (HDP) regarding the solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. The press statement was held by the People's Democratic Party (HDP) MPs. The police further prevented journalists from recording visuals of the statement. Afterwards, the police intervened against the march organised by those who gathered there to participate in the press statement. HDP Diyarbakır MP Remziye Tosun and one other were injured. 17: Istanbul One of two people, who were detained during the sit-in protest organised against the armed attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial building and the killing of Deniz Poyraz during the attack, was arrested. 17: Van All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 15 days. 18: Istanbul The police detained two people in Beyoğlu district, using physical violence, due to speaking among each other about Deniz Poyraz, who was killed during the attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial building. 18: Rize Dursun Baş was detained due to "making illegal organisation propaganda" after the house raid organised following his participation in the protests organised against the stone quarry to be constructed at Işkencedere Valley of Ikizdere district. 19: Ankara The police intervened against the press statement organised at Güvenpark, Çankaya to protest the killing of Deniz Poyraz during the armed attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial building; detaining five people with physical violence. 19: Batman 16 people were detained during the police intervention against the press statement organised to protest the killing of Deniz Poyraz during the armed attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial building. HDP MPs faced physical violence during the intervention as well. Batman Co-Mayor Mehmet Demir was taken down on the floor and was detained with reverse handcuffs. 19: Istanbul The police intervened against the group, which dispersed after the rally organised in Maltepe district with the call of the Women's Platform for Equality (ESIK), detaining six women with physical violence. 20: Istanbul Two Community Centers members were detained due to writing on the walls in Sarıyer district to protest the armed attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial building. 21: Ağrı All meetings and demonstrations to be organised in the province were banned for 15 days. 21: Bitlis The Governorate announced a curfew in Ölçülü, Çayır, Yelkıran, Akbıyık, Kaval, Keklik, Karadal, Gökçe, Kaşıklar, Altınoluk, Yemişli, Aktay, Köprü, Bozpınar, Akbırakan, Boztepe, Konaç, Düzce, Yolalan villages, starting at 02:00. The curfew was revoked on the same day, at 20:00. 22: Istanbul Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Chair Hatice Onaran was detained with a house raid organised within an Edirne-based investigation against her. 22: Istanbul The picnic organised in Adalar district within the Pride Week was cancelled after the police threatened the venue owners. 22: Istanbul A Presidential decree banned music playing after 12 am at night in clubs and bars within the "normalisation decrees" to be enacted from July 1, 2021. The police intervened against the street concert organised at Kadıköy district to protest the decree, detaining six people, including the concert artist. 22: Istanbul 16 people were detained by the gendarmerie during house raids organised against the Revolutionist Party members. 22: Istanbul The police intervened against the picnic organised at Maçka Park within the Pride Week based on the ban decree issued by Şişli District Governorate. Taking everyone out of the park by force, the police detained one person. 22: Kocaeli Ihlas News Agency reporter Mustafa Uslu was attacked by a group, allegedly involving İyi Party Group Deputy Chairman Lütfi Türkkan's driver, as he was following the destruction of Türkkan's farm in Dilova district. 22: Ş.Urfa Emine Şenyaşar's husband Hacı Esvet Şenyaşar and his sons Adil and Celal Şenyaşar have been killed in Suruç district on June 14, 2018 during the argument between Justice and Development Party (AKP) MP candidate İbrahim Halil Yıldız, his guards and shop owners in the district. The police intervened against the justice watch organised by Emine Şenyaşar in front of Urfa Courthouse, stating that it was banned to sit and stand at the courthouse garden. Emine Şenyaşar fainted as a result of the intervention and was forced to be taken to the hospital. One journalist was exposed to physical violence by the police as well, during the intervention. 24: Ankara Women's Platform for Equality (ESIK) submitted an additional letter to the Council of State to prioritise the application they made on the revocation of the Presidential Decree regarding Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. The press statement organised by the Platform in front of the Council of State was not permitted. 24: Istanbul 10 people, including TJA members, were detained during house raids against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) members and executives. 26: Ankara The police prevented the hanging of balloons on the Human Rights Monument on Yüksel Street in Çankaya district, due to the balloons carrying the colours of the rainbow. 26: Istanbul The application made at the Governorate to organise a Pride March in Maltepe district was not permitted by the Governorate due to the protection of public peace and safety, as well as general health and morality and to prevent potential incidents of violence and terrorism. 26: Istanbul The Beyoğlu District Governorate banned the Pride March to be organised on Istiklal Street, as well as all protests and demonstrations to be organised within the same theme. The group gathering to protest the District Governorate decree and to celebrate the Pride Week faced interventions. 47 people were detained and many others were injured. Journalists following news information were exposed to physical violence by the police. 26: Istanbul The police prevented the press statement organised by the People's Democratic Party (HDP) and the People's Democratic Congress (HDK) to protest the solitary confinement of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, based on the ban decree issued by the District Governorate. 29: Ankara The police intervened against the Pride March organised on Tunalı Hilmi street of Çankaya district within the Pride Week, using tear gas. 20 people were detained with physical violence. 29: Eskişehir Five people were detained before the Pride March organised within the Pride Week, due to carrying symbols that were of the colours of the rainbow. The police also intervened against the Pride March and detained 15 people. 29: Konya Konya Hakimiyet Daily reporter Muhammed Emin Güleç warned police officers as they didn't wear masks, and was exposed to physical violence by the police. 31: Aydın Four people, who were visiting Turkey from abroad, were detained with an operation conducted against a villa in Didim due to being high-ranking executives of the Turkish Communist Workers Party (TKIP). 2. Investigations and Prosecutions 01: Adana The first hearing of the lawsuit filed against Yeni Yaşam Daily worker İbrahim Karakaş was held at the 11th Assize Court. After the defence statements, the court issued for İbrahim Karakaş to remain arrested and scheduled the next hearing for August 13, 2021. 01: Ankara The final hearing was held in the lawsuit filed against Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu at the 15th Criminal Court of First Instance regarding his statements on Vice President Fuat Oktay. The court decided for Kılıçdaroğlu to pay 30,000 TLs of moral compensation to Fuat Oktay due to "attacking his personal rights." 02: Ankara The indictment prepared by the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office against actress Ezgi Mola was accepted by the 31st Criminal Court of First Instance regarding her social media post, in which she criticised Special Sergeant Musa Orhan. Orhan has been on trial due to dragging an underage girl, Ipek Er, to suicide by sexually assaulting her. 02: Istanbul The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Assembly member Sıtkı Güngör started at the 32nd Assize Court. The court decided for Güngör's release and scheduled the next hearing for a later date. 02: Istanbul The prosecution of journalist Ahmet Altan, Yasemin Çongar, Yıldıray Oğur, Tuncay Opçin and Mehmet Baransu continued at the 13th Assize Court. The court decided for Baransu to remain arrested and scheduled the next hearing to a later date. 03: Batman Three people were detained due to making illegal organisation propaganda on social media. The next day, they were released on the condition of judicial measures by the court they were sent to. 03: Van Five people (Cevdet Bilekçi, Halil Karakoç, Kamuran Çiftçi, Mahmut Dindar and Savaş Encü) have been detained within the investigation against the Van-based Association for Solidarity with Those Having Lost Their Lives In the Cradle of Civilisation MEBYA-DER) on May 19, 2021 and they have been released on the condition of judicial measures on May 28, 2021. After the objection of the Prosecutor's Office, they were detained once again and were arrested by the court they were sent to. 04: Ankara The final hearing of the lawsuit filed against former Lieutenant Colonel Mehmet Alkan, who was dismissed from the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) with a Statutory Decree issued within the State of Emergency, was held at the 47th Criminal Court of First Instance regarding the expressions in the letter he sent to Devlet Bahçeli. The court sentenced Alkan to 5300 TL judicial fine due to "insulting" Bahçeli. 04: Istanbul The lawsuit filed against 12 people, who were detained due to carrying a rainbow flag during the protest demonstration organised against the trustee appointment at Boğaziçi University, was held at the 12th Assize Court. 04: Izmir The prosecution of one person, who was detained with torture as a result of the intervention organised by the police during the protest organised last year on the Istanbul Convention, started at Bayraklı 14th Criminal Court of First Instance. The next hearing was scheduled for September 23, 2021. 07: Ankara The first hearing of the lawsuit filed against 33 people at the 28th Criminal Court of First Instance due to participating in the protest demonstration organised on August 12, 2020 in Çankaya district regarding the Istanbul Convention, was held. The court scheduled the next hearing for November 26, 2021. 07: Ankara After the indictment prepared with the claim for the shutdown of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) was sent back by the Constitutional Court due to deficiencies in the procedure and documentation, the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Cassation sent the new indictment they prepared to the Constitutional Court. 07: Ankara Two separate investigations were started by Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office against Turkish Workers' Party (TIP) Istanbul MP Ahmet Şık due to his expressions on two separate TV shows. 07: Hakkari The prosecution of Yüksekova Co-Mayor Remziye Yaşar, who was previously replaced with a trustee, continued at the 1st Assize Court. Yaşar attended the hearing through the Audiovisual Informatics System (SEGBIS). The court decided for Yaşar to remain arrested and scheduled the next hearing for September 3. 07: Ş.Urfa The final decree was issued in the lawsuit filed at the 6th Assize Court against lawyer Sevda Çelik Özbingöl. Özbingöl was sentenced to 6 years and six months of imprisonment due to illegal organisation membership, 3 years and nine months of imprisonment due to violating the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations No. 2911, 1 year and three months of imprisonment due to making illegal organisation propaganda - making up a total of 11 years and six months of imprisonment. 08: Diyarbakır The prosecution of Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA) activist Zelal Bilgin continued at Diyarbakır 4th Assize Court. Bilgin attended the hearing through the Audiovisual Informatics System (SEGBIS). The court decided for Bilgin to remain arrested and scheduled the next hearing for September 3. 08: Istanbul The prosecution of 205 people, including Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) members and executives, continued at the 3rd Assize Court. 08: Istanbul The prosecution of the lawsuit filed against journalists Canan Coşkun, Ali Açar and Can Uğur continued at the 34th Assize Court due to "targeting a public officer who took part in the fight against terrorism" in the news they reported on the death of Berkin Elvan. 08: Istanbul The prosecution of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Istanbul Provincial Co-Chair Ezgi Bahçeci started at the34th Assize Court. The court decided for Bahçeci to remain arrested. 08: Istanbul In the lawsuit filed against journalist Sabiha Temizkan due to her social media posts, the 3rd Chamber of the Regional Court reversed a previous decree and issued for the acquittal of Temizkan. 08: Istanbul The prosecution of journalist Sadık Topaloğlu and Sadiye Eser continued at the 22nd Assize Court. 09: Diyarbakır The prosecution of journalist Nurcan Yalçın continued at the 9th Assize Court as part of an investigation against the Rosa Women's Association. Yalçın is charged with "illegal organisation membership" and "making illegal organisation propaganda." The next hearing was scheduled for September 29. 09: Diyarbakır The prosecution of the Association for Solidarity with Those Having Lost Their Lives In the Cradle of Civilisation (MEBYA-DER) Co-Chair Şeyhmus Karadağ continued at the 10th Assize Court. After the defense statements, the court issued the release of Karadağ and scheduled the next hearing for November 5. 09: Diyarbakır The prosecution of Artı Gerçek news website writer Nurcan Kaya continued at the 9th Assize Court. Kaya is charged with "successively making illegal organisation propaganda" through her social media posts. The next hearing was scheduled for September 27. 09: Izmir The decree of dismissal issued for Dokuz Eylül University Hospital (DEÜ) Health and Social Services Labourers Union (SES) Workplace Representative Günseli Uğur was extended indefinitely. 10: Bursa In the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against news website's Managing Editor Ozan Kaplanoğlu due to reporting a press statement on the operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) against the Afrin region of Syria, the court sentenced Kaplanoğlu to 1 year, 10 months and 15 days of imprisonment. 10: Istanbul In the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against six women at the Anatolian 29th Criminal Court of First Instance due to participating in the "Las Tesis" dance demonstration, the court issued the acquittal of the women. 10: Izmir An investigation was started against a police officer for 27 years over a social media post, that said, "I reprimand my colleagues who executed an illegal order" regarding the police violence on the multiple Bar Associations regulation. 10: Kars The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Kars Provincial Co-Chair Cengiz Anlı and HDP members İzzet Altığ, Mustafa Yardımcıel, Reis Baykız and Kaya Naki continued at the 2nd Assize Court. After the defense statements, the court scheduled the next hearing for November 18. 10: Van The prosecution of journalist Ruşen Takva started at the 2nd Assize Court due to a press statement he was following. After the defense and witness statements, the court scheduled the next hearing for October 12. 11: Diyarbakır The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MPs İmam Taşçıer and former HDP MPs İdris Baluken and Çağlar Demirel continued at the 12th Criminal Court of First Instance with the allegation that they have "insulted the President" in the speeches they gave. The Prosecutor claimed for İdris Baluken and Çağlar Demirel to be penalised due to "public denigration of the state and its bodies" as well as due to "insulting the President" and for a stay of prosecution against İmam Taşçıer within the legislative immunity described in Article 83 of the Turkish Constitution. The court issued a stay of prosecution for İmam Taşçıer and separated his file from the main case file. 12: Diyarbakır 2nd Criminal Chamber of Diyarbakır Regional Court approved the 22-year 3-month imprisonment sentence issued against former People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair Leyla Güven by the 9th Assize Court due to "illegal organisation membership" and "making illegal organisation propaganda." 13: Istanbul Two of four People's Democratic Party (HDP) members and executives, who were detained in house raids conducted on June 9, were arrested by the court and the other two were released on the condition of judicial measures. 14: Ankara The prosecution of 108 People's Democratic Party (HDP) members and executives, 28 of whom were arrested, including former HDP Co-Chairs, continued at the 22nd Assize Court. 14: Ankara In the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against Women's Defense Network member Buse Üçer due to her social media post, which stated, "The days in which we will burn this city down are near!", the court issued the acquittal of the defendant. 14: Sivas The final hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist Aslıhan Gencay was held due to rejecting the naked search application she was exposed to at the Open Prison. The court sentenced Gencay to 6 months and seven days of imprisonment due to "resisting to prevent duty." 15: Diyarbakır The prosecution of journalist Ayşe Kara continued at the 5th Assize Court due to "illegal organisation membership" through the news she reported. After the defense statements, the court decided for the travel ban against Kara to remain and scheduled the next hearing for November 9. 15: Istanbul The lawsuit filed for the stay of execution of the ban issued by Gaziosmanpaşa District Governorate against the theater play, "Bêrû: Klakson Borîzan û Birt" staged by Teatra Jiyana Nû was denied by the 10th Administrative Court. 17: Diyarbakır The prosecution of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Istanbul Provincial Co-Chair Ezgi Bahçeci started at the 34th assize Court. Bahçeci remains under arrest. 17: Rize An investigation was started against Ali Sancaktutan due to "insulting the President" through his statements during a street interview he gave. 18: Istanbul The prosecution of 23 people continued at Istanbul 38th Criminal Court of First Instance after they were detained during the protest demonstration against the appointed rector at Boğaziçi University. 20: Istanbul One of nine People's Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly members, who were detained on June 16, 2021, was arrested by the court they were taken to. Eight were released, seven of which on the condition of judicial measures. 21: Istanbul Human Rights Association (IHD) Co-Chair Eren Keskin and journalists Ahmet Kanbal and Yağmur Kaya testified at the Prosecutor's Office within the investigation opened with the allegation of "targeting those taking part in the fight against terrorism" following the complaint of Gendarmerie General Command Deputy Lieutenant General Musa Çitil. 22: Istanbul The prosecutions of previously shut-down Özgür Gündem Daily's Co-Editors-In-Chief Eren Keskin and Hüseyin Aykol, as well as the newspaper's Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan and journalist Hasan Başak continued at Istanbul 13th Assize Court. 22: Mardin The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Mayors of Kızıltepe and Savur districts, Nilüfer Elik Yılmaz and Gülistan Öncü, continued at the 2nd Assize Court after they were replaced with trustees. The court revoked the decrees of judicial measure against Yılmaz and Öncü and scheduled the next hearing for November 4. 23: Istanbul The lawsuit filed after the complaint of journalist Beyza Kural against the police officers, who applied violence against her, was held at the 3rd Criminal Court of First Instance. 23: Istanbul In the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against journalist and writer Mustafa Sönmez at the Anatolian 26th Criminal Court of First Instance due to "insulting the President" through his social media posts, the court issued the acquittal of Sönmez. 24: Batman The prosecution of previously shut-down Dicle News Agency (DIHA) reporter Şerife Oruç continued at the 2nd Assize Court due to "illegal organisation membership." The court issued a warrant against witness Devran Çakır, who did not attend the hearing, and scheduled the next hearing for November 11. Şerife Oruç had previously been released on the condition of judicial measures. 25: Ankara The prosecution of Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) members continued at the 27th Assize Court. The court scheduled the next hearing for September 10, 2021. 25: Diyarbakır The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Musa Farisoğulları, who lost his seat at the Parliament after a finalised conviction, continued at the 10th Assize Court. The indictment against Farisoğulları claims an imprisonment sentence against him for up to 26 years due to "illegal organisation membership," "making illegal organisation propaganda," "public incitement towards illegal meetings and demonstrations" and "unarmed participation in illegal meetings and demonstrations and not dispersing despite warning." The court decided for a warrant to be issued to the Witness Protection Office to prepare the secret witness statements by changing the sounds and visuals, scheduling the next hearing to a later date. 25: Mardin The prosecution of People's Democratic Party (HDP) Derik Co-Mayor Mülkiye Esmez continued at the Assize Court. Arrested in remand, Esmez attended the hearing through the Audiovisual Informatics System (SEGBIS) from the prison she was being kept in. After the defense statements, the court issued the release of Mülkiye Esmez and scheduled the next hearing for November 12. 29: Istanbul In the lawsuit filed against lawyer Oya Aslan at the 37th Assize Court, the court decided for Aslan to remain arrested. 29: Istanbul In the lawsuit filed against arrested Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP) Izmir Provincial Chairman Kerim Altınmakas at Bakırköy 9th Assize Court, the court issued the release of Altınmakas. 30: Adana In the final hearing of the lawsuit filed against 14 people, including People's Democratic Party (HDP) Provincial Co-Chairs Gülseren Tural and Mehmet Masum Eriğ, former Bar Association Chairman and lawyer Gazi Mengücek Çıtırık due to the press statement organised on August 6, 2020 in order to protest the trustees appointed to Diyarbakır, Mardin and Van Metropolitan Municipalities, the court issued the acquittals of 14 defendants. 3. Other Violations 01: Ankara 8th Criminal Judicature of Peace issued an access ban against the posts regarding Mehmet Ağar and Arif Çetin on the social media account of journalist Erk Acarer due to violation of personal rights. 01: Ankara 6th Criminal Judicature of Peace issued an access ban against 2 videos posted by Sedat Peker as well as one social media post by him due to violation of personal rights. 03: Izmir Court clerk replied to the judge, who sent an SMS to warn him on a holiday, by saying, "If you have to warn me, do so during working hours." Afterwards, the court clerk was appointed to Karaburun Courthouse, which is around 100 km away from the Izmir Courthouse, for six months. 04: Ankara Access Providers Union issued an access ban against the news published on Cumhuriyet, Halk TV and BirGün websites regarding Prof. Dr. Bedri Gencer. 04: Istanbul 3rd Criminal Judicature of Peace brought an access ban against the news published on Halk TV and OdaTV websites regarding a hotel in Bodrum pouring boric acid on its beach, due to violation of personal rights. 04: Istanbul 3rd Criminal Judicature of Peace issued an access ban against the news published on T24, OdaTV and Sözcü websites regarding Bilal Erdoğan due to violation of personal rights. 08: Ankara 6th Criminal Judicature of Peace issued access bans against six different social media posts made by Sedat Peker due to violation of personal rights. 10: Gaziantep DHA reporter Ahmet Atmaca was attacked by a civilian group at the Forensic Medicine Institute building, where he was to track news information, and was injured from various parts of his body. 11: Ankara 1st Criminal Judicature of Peace issued access bans against 13 different social media posts by Sedat Peker due to violation of personal rights. 14: Osmaniye Governorate banned all meetings and demonstrations to be organised across the province, including rallies, open-air meetings, marches, press statements, booths, sit-in protests, petitions, commemorations and similar events for 15 days. 16: Izmir Books and newspapers were seized in ward searches at Şakran Type-T Prison No.3. 17: Izmir The crime scene investigation report regarding the attack against the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir Provincial Organisation indicated that Deniz Poyraz was killed with six bullets. 17: Izmir People's Democratic Party (HDP) members shared a photo of killed HDP worker Deniz Poyraz on social media. Afterwards, some social media users threatened them with racist attacks. 18: Istanbul 4th Criminal Judicature of Peace issued an access ban against the news published on regarding the Parliamentary questions on SADAT being left unanswered, due to violation of personal rights. 22: Istanbul 3rd Criminal Judicature of Peace issued an access ban against one social media post by journalist Erk Acarer regarding the Humanitarian Aid Foundation. 22: Samsun Yeniçağ Daily reporter İbrahim Akkuş went to the municipality building after the news he reported on the deficiencies in a public hospital constructed in 19 Mayıs district. At the municipality building, Akkuş was attacked by the construction workers and was injured in the head. 28: Izmir The letters written by a prisoner at Şakran Prison to be transferred were torn. |