Police Sues Journalist Şık For Allegedly Calling “Fascist”

Police authorities sued journalist Ahmet Şık for allegedly calling police officers “fascist”.
“The incident dates back to the evening of September 11 where police assaulted us when we were covering protest dedicated to deceased Gezi protestor Ahmet Atakan,” Ahmet Şık told bianet.
“Police prevented dozens of journalists from doing their jobs and assaulted with their shields. At the time of the incident, I was there trying to do my job.”
Şık said he didn’t remember whether he called the policemen fascist. On the other hand, a camera footage in the meanwhile recorded no such word.
“Not only they are assaulting but also suing journalists,” Şık said.
He reminded that a policeman pointed his gas bomb at him at the same night. He also added that he was the only journalist who is facing prosecution at the moment.
“I was sued over calling ‘fascist’ to policemen who did all the thing we photographed over Gezi Resistance. Justice!!!” he tweeted. (EKN/BM)
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