Police Raids Police Officers in Adana

The police raided apartments of an assistant police chief, a branch manager and eight other police staff in Adana province, detaining several policemen in the southern province of Adana this morning. Among the detainees included one police commissioner and 5 police officers.
According to a news from Milliyet newspaper, the reason of the operation is “allegations of illegal telephone tappings”.
Former Assistant Police Chief, İsmail Bilgin and Branch Manager, Ertuğrul Yetkin were listen among the detainees.
İsmail Bilgin was appointed from Assistant Police Chief, responsible for Intelligence Branch manager to Assistant Police Chief, responsible for Social Services and Police Club after December 17 Operation (corruption scandal of Erdoğan’s government). He was appointed to Kemal Serhatlı Police Academy as deputy head teacher.
Ertuğru Yetkin was appointed from Intelligence Branch Manager to another branch manager.
On January 19, several trucks of National Intelligence Organization (MİT) were stopped in Adana province on their way to Syria. After the incident, prosecutors of former Special-Duty Courts and other gendarme officers were appointed to another duties and provinces. The “Espionage Investigation” is underway. (AS/BD/BM)
* Click here to read the articke in Turkish.