Police Raid Journalist Gümüş's House

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The police raided the house of journalist Medina Gümüş at around 04.40 a.m. today (November 21), as part of an investigation by Adana Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.
While Gümüş could not be detained as she is currently abroad, the police searched the house in Seyhan district int he southern province of Adana.
Gümüş shared a photo of a police vehicle on Twitter, saying that her family's home was raided.
Gümüş was the editor-in-chief of the Radio Dünya, which was shut down Statutory Decree No. 668 during the state of emergency period after the 2016 coup attempt.
Şuan hakkimda arama karari olduğu gerekçesiyle Adana da yaşayan ailemin evine gece saat 04.40 da polis baskını yapılıyor. pic.twitter.com/1QRhpLTZqo
— Medîna Gümüş (@medinagumus) November 21, 2019