Police Points Gun in Ankara Again

Police raided several apartments in Ankara this morning, detaining 20 individuals.
Police pointed guns at civilians in a neighborhood in Ankara, attorney Deniz Özbilgin reminded.
“Police came to the neighborhood and didn’t introduce themselves or showed their IDs. An argument broke out as people formed a chain by holding each other’s arms around a police car not to let their friends detained. In the meanwhile, police pointed their guns at the people to stop them.”
On June 1 Gezi Park protestor Ethem Sarısülük was shot and died later on due to police fire.
There are 20 names on the detainee list but the toll might rise, Özbilgin remarked. He disclosed the list of detainees as follows: Eren Altun, Hüseyin Cengiz Gültekin, Murat Bozkurt, Taner Aka, Yusuf Bahtiyar Özkan, Hasan Koç, Mehmet Aka, Deniz Can Aydın, Yadigar Vuruşaner, Oğuzhan Akça, Ferhat Büküş, Doğukan Aydın, Mehmet Can Tayşan, Cem Lafçı, Tayfun Tutulmaz, Cihat Ağtaş, Yener Çıracı, Ulaş Kaman, Mert Arslan, Sıla Uzunpınar.
6 arrested including journalist
A court ordered the arrest of 6 defendants in the southern province of Adana this morning after their interrogations were due.
Defendants Ulaş Yıldız (reporter at Mücadele Birliği Magazine), Emre Aslan, Mehmet Çelik (members of ESP), Orbay Gayret (Öğrenci Kolektifleri), Ferhat Türetken and Anıl Küçükrecep (ÖGD) were detained by police on June 21
The other defendant, Zemin Demirel, has been released within judicial inspection.
Defendants were arrested for charges related to “participating protests through organizations broadcasting on internet”.
The total number of arrest for charges related to Gezi Park protests reached 77 across İstanbul, İzmir, Adana and Ankara. (AS/BM )
* Photo credit: Bülent Doruk / AA
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