Police place warning signs in Mersin beach as loggerhead turtles nest

Police teams have placed warning signs on Kazanlı Beach Mersin, southern Turkey, where loggerhead sea turtles lay their eggs.
According to a statement from the Provincial Security Directorate, teams from the Environmental, Nature, and Animal Protection Bureau inspected Kazanlı Beach, one of the loggerhead turtle nesting areas.
As reported by Anadolu Agency, the signs erected by the teams include a warning stating, "Attention, our beaches are the breeding and nesting area of the endangered loggerhead sea turtles. Therefore, entry to this area with any kind of vehicle, pets, or transportation is prohibited."
Additionally, beachgoers were provided with informative brochures about loggerhead turtles.
Loggerhead turtles in Turkey
The loggerhead sea turtle is a species endangered in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Turkey hosts the nesting sites of loggerhead turtles, especially along the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean.
However, the species faces threats to its survival. These threats include habitat loss, coastal development, marine pollution, entanglement in fishing gear, and illegal fishing. Particularly during the summer months, loggerhead turtles come ashore to lay their eggs, and during this period, they may encounter human activities.
In Turkey, various conservation programs and efforts are underway to protect loggerhead turtles and increase their populations. For instance, nesting areas of turtles have been identified and protected on designated beaches. Furthermore, activities such as monitoring and tracking sea turtles, scientific research, and awareness-raising campaigns are being conducted.