Police Launch Forceful "Democracy" Project...

The General Directorate of the Police designed a project pertaining to the use of police force during social actions.
The so-called "Project to enhance the police's capacity to use force" was introduced at a press conference held at the Police General Directorate building in Dikmen/Ankara this week, as reported by Burcu Cansu from BirGün newspaper.
Information on the project was given by the Chief of Police, Mehmet Kılıçlar, the Responsible Deputy Chief of Police, Osman Karakuş, and the Minister of the Interior, Naim Şahin.
Four-way approach
Responsible Deputy Chief of Police Karakuş said that the project that was designed to increase the police's capacity of using force embraced four different approaches such as legal issues, organizational structure, equipment needed for the use of force and education.
* As far as legal issues are concerned, decisions of Turkish courts and of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will be reviewed.
* An in-depth research of the use of force in organizational structures is meant to achieve a harmonization with standards of the European Union (EU).
* EU standards will be applied to the equipment needed for the use of force.
* Education will be given according to the standard structure. Moreover, educators will be trained to give actual field training.
Requirement of democracy...
Professional police officers will know how to proceed in particular situations, Karakuş indicated. In his opinion, the quality of this application will be reflected to the people and the rights of the people will not be usurped by the use of force.
Chief of Police Kılıçlar pointed out that democracy could not be sought in places where peace and security could not be provided. He continued, "The use of force by police forces is quite a sensitive matter. With this project, we will fulfil a requirement of democracy by making the use of force meet with standard applications". (EKN/VK)