Police is Responsible if Something Happens.
Now, Ozlu is claiming that the police officers at the Adana Police Headquarters are threatening him to make him back down from his case.
"Police officers are responsible if something happens to me"
"From now on, police officers at the Adana Police Headquarters are responsible of anything that happens to me or to my children," Ozlu said, adding that he would not back down from the case.
Kaze Ozlu said the following during the press conference at the Human Rights Association (IHD):
* In 1996, after my daughter had been lost, 15 police officers from the Hurriyet Neighborhood Police Station raided my house. They said my daughter had escaped to the mountains and raped me with their nightsticks.
* They took my to an empty field and burned my body and my head. My son, Faik, lost his mental health. I had to move my house constantly because my landlords and neighbors were being abused.
* The police officers want me to back down from my case at the ECHR. They raided my house lastly on April 23. On April 28, as I was walking back home from the IHD, police officers in civilian clothes put a gun against my head and forced me into a car. They told me they would kill my sons and me if I did no back down from my case.
Ozlu showed the burn scars on his body. He said he would not back down from his case at the ECHR and underlined that the police officers from the Adana Police Headquarters would be responsible if anything happened to him or his children. (BB/EA/NM)