Police Intervene in HDP Rally in Diyarbakır

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Police attacked with gas bombs against those willing to march towards Turkey’s southeastern Sur district of Diyarbakır province to protest against curfews and civilian killings.
According to Fırat News Agency (ANF), the incidents resulted by police attacking against the group gathered to protest against curfew in Sur have spread all over the city. The conflicts have intensified especially in Şehitlik and Cezaevi neighborhoods of Bağlar district, and Vilayet and Ofis neighborhoods in Yenişehir district.
Statement by Governorate
Before the rally carried out by the group gathered upon Peoples’ Democratic Party’s (HDP) call, the governorate had state the rally was “unlawful” and asked “the citizen to not heed the call”.
HDP: Rally will be held
The written statement by HDP expressed that the rally, which HDP Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ as well will participate, will be held.
“Our delegation composed of HDP Co-Chair Figen Yüksekdağ, Group Deputy Chairman İdris Baluken, DBP (Democratic Regions Party) Co-Chair Kamuran Yüksek and our MPs will join the civil rally at 12 p.m. in Diyarbakır to end the curfews in Sur and halt the massacres”.
About Sur district
Sur district is one of four districts of Diyarbakır. Sur is named after the walls surrounding the district.
Co-Mayors: Fatma Şık Barut, Şeyid Narin (DBP – Democratic Regions Party)
Sub-Governor: Dr. Memduh Tura
There are 53 neighborhoods in the district.
It is possible to see a large number of historical artifacts and traces left from huge civilizations in the district.
Historical artifacts in Sur district
Diyarbakır Walls of five kilometers, which is candidate to be World Cultural Heritage, is one of the most significant historical artifacts of the district.
* Old Diyarbakır houses
* Museum houses of Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı, Ziya Gökalp and Ahmet Arif
* Dicle Bridge
* Archeology Museum
* Kadı Hamamı (Kadi Turkish bath)
* Behrampaşa, Fatihpaşa (Kurşunlu), Safa Parlı, Melik Ahmet Pasha, Ali Pasha, Aynalı Minare, Nasuh Pasha, Hz. Ömer, Nebi and Sheikh Mutahhar
* Hz. Süleyman Mosque and 27 companion graves in it
* Anatolian’s first public sanctuary, Diyarbakır Grand Mosque
* Dört Ayaklı Minare (Qaudruped Minaret)
* Virgin Mary Church, İçkale (Inner Fortress) and St. George Church, Mar Petvun Keldani Church, Armenian Protestant Church, Surp Giragos Church
* Gazi Mansion, Erdebil Mansion
* Deliler (Lunatics or Caravanserai) and Hasanpaşa Inns (AS/TK)