Police Fires Rubber Bullets At Validebağ Grove Activists

Police reportedly attacked with tear gas and rubber bullets those activists who assembled in order to stop a mosque construction in the entrance of Istanbul’s Validebağ Grove - one of the few remaining green spots in the city.
The construction allegedly continued despite a court order to suspend the plan.
According to witnesses, officials said in the early morning that a portable toilet would be brought to the area. However, a container was brought with a capacity to provide workers’ housing needs. Then, according to them, generators were brought to supply power.
The incident took place when the volunteers attempted to block the arrival of the generators.
Tear gas nearby school
The attack affected several activists as well as pedestrians and bystanders. Following the intervention, police place barricades at the entrance of the road guarded by TOMA vehicles.
The area of police intervention also included residential buildings and schools.
Validebağ Volunteers released a statement condemning the incident.
“Intervening defenseless people with armed police forces doesn’t mean anything than a provocation.
“We, the volunteers of Validebağ Grove, condemn the officials who send a provocation invitation.” (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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