Police Batter Transgender Woman in Mersin

"Get used to it: We are everywhere!"
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Police officers battered transgender woman Işıl in Turkey's Mediterranean province of Mersin. As reported by Yıldız Tar from the Ankara-based Kaos GL Association, the incident occurred as follows:
Police stopped Işıl at GMK Boulevard in Mersin at around 11.30 p.m. while she was on her way to her house. When she showed her identity card to the officers upon their request, they told her, "Aren't you ashamed? You are a man. Why do you get dressed as a woman?"
When Işıl attempted to record the transphobic remarks of police, they attacked her with pepper gas and battered her.
Medical report confirms she was battered
Being battered by police, Işıl was taken to the Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MTSO) Mağazalar Police Department.
After her statement was not taken for a long time and she was arbitrarily kept waiting at the police station, she contacted Yağmur Arıcan, the General Coordinator of Mersin 7 Colors LGBTI+ Solidarity Association.
Upon the call of Işıl, Arıcan went to the police station and told the officers that what they were doing was unlawful. He also warned them to take her statement. After Arıcan came to the station, Işıl was referred to the hospital, which issued a medical report confirming that she had been battered.
After this incident, police officers filed a criminal complaint against Işıl on charge of "insult" and "resisting the officer on duty."
Being referred to the Prosecutor's Office upon the complaint of the police, Işıl has been released after her deposition.
'Attacks are systematic in Mersin'
Speaking to KaosGL.org, Yağmur Arıcan has emphasized that transgender women in Mersin are faced with systematic attacks:
"There is a general air of isolation. Transgender women are detained in front of their houses without any legal basis. Legally speaking, it is actually not a detention, but an act of abduction. We hear new incidents of attacks and violence with each passing day." (EMK/SD)