PM Yıldırım: No Decision Made About Raqqa

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Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım has spoken at Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) group meeting in the Assembly.
Operation into Raqqa
“After Turkey accomplishing the operation into al-Bab by supporting the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the talks about getting DAEŞ (ISIS) terror organization members out of Raqqa are ongoing with the US, coalition forces, Russia and other partner countries. We haven’t made a decision about this issue yet.
“However, we have a finalized decision, and that is that if organizations such as YPG, PYD, which are cousins of the PKK in Raqqa, we will definitely not be a part of these operations.
“What we tell the US is very clear and frank: If you use a terror organization to destroy another one, then what will you do to destroy that terror organization?
“This is not a method that established states will resort to”. (AS/TK)