PM Erdoğan's Signature under Internet Memorandum

The latest hearing of the Internet Memorandum trial that was merged with the case regarding the Action Plan against Reactionary Forces was held on Monday (17 October). Court President Hasan Hüseyin Özese read out the directive of the State Security Council (MGK) sent by the Law Counsellorship of the MGK General Secretariat upon the request of the lawyers of defendant Mehmet Eröz.
Judge Özese said that the directive dated 19 January 2006 was signed by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The document was apparently entitled "Action Plan against Separatist Activities".
The first article and general aim of the plan was accordingly defined as follows: "Rendering terrorist organizations with separatist activities and their supporters ineffective, preventing them from becoming legitimate, eliminating their effects on a domestic scale and abroad and providing the formation of an over-all struggle in this regard".
The second article covered measures to ensure national unity and togetherness and to obtain information within the country and abroad with the purpose of an over-all struggle in the scope of the action plan.
Court President Özese also referred to the heading "Socio-cultural situation" and its sub section on "Activities and propaganda of social institutions". Özese emphasized the following included statement, "The struggle has to be continued against those affiliated with the organization, those who provide support to the organization, against some people who are making propaganda for the organization and against non-governmental organizations. Precautionary measures have to be taken regarding the executives of the organization and the media that publishes messages of the organization in order to prevent them from publishing easily".
Under the heading "Action plan measures to be applied", the plan read, "Information and documents that reveal the true face of a terror organization and explain the just struggle of the Turkish Republic against terrorism will be available on the internet in Turkish and foreign languages via non-governmental organizations such as various chambers and associations", Özese quoted.
Commander General Taşdeler not at court
The Monday hearing before the Istanbul 13th High Criminal Court was attended by the 14 detained defendants, among them ret. Colonel Dursun Çiçek, Mehmet Deniz Yıldırım, former 1st Army Command General Hasan Iğsız, Lieutenant General Mehmet Otuzbiroğlu, Major General Hıfzı Çubuklu and Lieutenant General Mehmet Eröz.
Defendant Hasan Ataman, detained in the scope of the second Ergenekon trial but not in the context of the internet memorandum trial, appeared at court as well as five other un-detained defendants. Ten defendants failed to appear including Forces Training and Doctrine Commander General Hüseyin Nusret Taşdeler and Major General Mustafa Bakıcı, the latter whom is searched with a red bulletin as it was decided by Bedrettin Dalan who was also absent.
The Internet Memorandum trial was based on the allegation that the General Staff established 42 websites with the aim to spread anti-government propaganda. Later on, the case was merged with the trial on the Action Plan against Reactionary Forces. (YY)