PM Erdoğan Brings Writer Altan to Trial

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan filed a law suit with writer Ahmet Altan and Taraf newspaper. The Prime Minister had just recently opened a case against the Beyoğlu Troupe of Actors and before that against writers Ataol Behramoğlu and Oktay Ekşi. Erdoğan is now claiming TL 50,000 (€ 25,000) in compensation on charges of "attacking his personal rights". The litigation is based on the column entitled "Erdoğan and the hollow bullying" published on 15 January 2011.
Erdoğan's lawyers Fatih Şahin and Muammer Cemaloğlu prepared the trial petition. It is put forward that the column contained "extraordinary severe insults with the intention to attack Erdoğan's personal rights".
The petition claims that the expressions and criticism conveyed in journalist Altan's article exceeded the limit of freedom of expression. It reads, "Erdoğan was clearly accused of not being honest and betraying the people's trust".
The petition continues, "Considering the situation of the defendant, he could have written about this topic without using these harsh expressions that were used against my client and that will be perceived by the readers as an insult. He could have written a more efficient article that would have served the purpose of the press".
The petition seeks a monetary fine of TL 50,000 in compensation from Altan and the Taraf daily, including interest.
At the same time, Erodoğan's joint attorneys sent another petition to the Ankara Public Chief Prosecution demanding the litigation of Altan under allegations of "insult". The complaint will be forwarded to the Kadıköy (Istanbul) Public Chief Prosecution.
AKP and Erdoğan sue Behramoğlu
In another trial, PM Erdoğan and the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) are pressing charges against poet and writer Ataol Behramoğlu. This compensation claim stems from Behramoğlu's statements voice on television.
The writer is prosecuted over his utterances made as a guest of the program "Neural Zone" ('Tarafsız Bölge') broadcasted on the Turkish news channel CNN Türk on 12 January 2010. The trial will be continued before the Ankara 15th Civil Court of First Instance on 22 March.
The following statement is the bone of contention:
"I do not say that AKP will not hold the elections. Yet, in my opinion they did everything, visible and invisible, to prevent elections by illegal and anti-democratic means".
Young theatre actors also in the crosshairs of judiciary
Moreover, Erdoğan filed a case against journalist Oktay Ekşi on the grounds of his written criticism of the construction of hydroelectric power plants (HES). Ekşi is charged with "insult" and faces imprisonment of up to six years. The first hearing is scheduled for 15 February.
The trial opened by Erdoğan against 16 members of the Beyoğlu Troupe of Actors, most of them university students, will start this Friday (21 January). (EÇ/EÖ/VK)
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