PKK Expresses Hope for Peace
The Fırat News Agency has reported an announcement of a unilateral ceasefire by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
According to the news agency, the PKK has expressed hope for a process towards a solution of the Kurdish question.
The PKK is said to have interpreted the election success of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) as a clear signal that the Kurdish question cannot be solved without considering imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, the DTP or the PKK.
The DTP won the mayoral positions in the metropolitan city of Diyarbakır, seven province capitals (Van, Batman, Siirt, Iğdır, Hakkari, Şırnak, Tunceli) and 51 district towns.
The PKK is quoted as saying, “If the Turkish army also approaches the issue positively and makes contributions towards a lengthening of a period of no conflict, and if political decision makers show a will for dialogue and a solution, then a solution to the Kurdish question will be possible within a short time.”
Kurdish conference may contribute
Referring to a planned Kurdish conference to be held in Iraq soon, the PKK has added that it may make a contribution towards a peaceful and democratic solution.
According to a news item in the Akşam newspaper last week, the conference, which was initially planned for April, has been postponed to May. (TK/AG)