Pianist Fazıl Say Receives Suspended Prison Sentence

An Istanbul court convicted Pianist Fazıl Say of blasphemy over his tweets, ordering him to serve 10 months of prison - a sentence that was later on suspended.
"I am so sorry for my country. This verdict goes beyond my situation, it is worrying for freedom of expression and belief in Turkey," Say said to press.
Prosecutors charged Say with "humiliating religious values publicly". (Turkish Penal Code Articles 216/3. ve 218/1.)
"Rather than criticism in the borders of freedom of expression, the aforementioned tweet messages diffused by Mr. Say does not only contribute at all to any public debates but also humiliated religious concepts like God, heaven and hell without a meaningful motive. It is in prosecutor's claim that Say wrote these tweets with the intention to humiliate these values in a way to present them as trivial and cheap," the indictment said.
Following a critical declaration, PEN Turkey also faced a judicial investigation.
Culture Minister: It is court's decision
Ömer Çelik, Turkey's Culture Minister, addressed inquiries concerning Say verdict during a trip in London.
"As you see, the latest judicial reforms removed some of the obstacles against freedom of expression in Turkey. Personally, I wouldn't wish to see anybody convicted for what they said. Especially intellectuals. But we are all equal before the court. It is ultimately court's decision. I can't say anything further."
Some of Say's tweets leading to his conviction included:
"Wine will flow from the rivers, you say. Is heaven a tavern? Every Muslim men will receive two concubines, you say. Is heaven a brothel? I don't know whether you noticed, but all nit, despicable, gossipy and thief people are uttering Allah. Isn't this a paradox?"
"It only took 22 seconds for the muezzin to finish his evening prayer call. Prestissimmo con fuco! Why this hurry? Lover? Raki table?"
"Is God something that you would die for or kill for like an animal? Think about this too." (AS)