Photography Exhibition Exposes Male Violence

An art gallery in Istanbul opened its new photography exhibition called "Knowing, Seeing" by researcher and artist Derya Kılıç who aimed to make make violence visible with world's most famous female portraits. Inspired by the widely-known female depictions of Da Vinci, Vermeer, Munch and Dali, the Turkish artist photographed models with a scene exactly like the popular portraits but with the exception that these women became subject to male violence.
What inspired you to work on famous female portraits?
For a long time I thought about how I could picture make violence in a different way. I am aware that the issue is so complex and unexplored. Only a handful of photographers did some work on it. Then the idea of using famous female portraits came to my mind. project?

In order to give an authentic feeling, I needed to catch the exact light, texture and ambiance of the original portrait. I did all the make-up work, I was lucky to be experienced on this. I am also grateful for all the help I received to realize the project. I think it turned out as a direct way to express women's victimization without condescending them.
What did you aim to realize within this project?
I think every woman can become subject to violence and they do indeed. This is not a personal issue, it should be brought to a social level. We live in a country where killings and violence against women are soaring day by day. Images of murders, harassments, rapes and violence are present everywhere, needless to mention the mentality that legitimizes it...
I took these photographs to convey the message that male violence does not only harm the women that we see in newspapers. In my work, famous female depictions resembled to female victims of violence and vice versa...I aimed to respond to this violent mentality with my work. I wanted my work to speak up for the real victims of violence.
How long will your exhibition continue? Are you planning any follow-up exhibitions?
I am currently working on a new exhibition on child brides but it is still on the idea process. This exhibition is available until January 12. I received an award in Germany with the same work. Now I am planning to show this in different locations in the country. I acknowledge the gallery owners for their help. (HÇ/HK)