Philosopher Michael Hardt to speak in İstanbul on his new book

American philosopher and literary theorist Michael Hardt is coming to İstanbul to discuss his latest book, The Subversive Seventies, recently published in Turkish as Yıkıcı Yetmişler by Otonom publishing house.
The event will be held on Oct 12, at 5.00 pm at the Moda Stage theater in the Asian-side district of Kadıköy. It will be free of charge, and consecutive translation will be provided during the talk.
In the book translated into Turkish by Münevver Çelik, Hardt revisits revolutionary and liberation movements from the 1970s, including labor, feminist, queer, Black, and environmental movements. He reexamines these struggles in light of today’s needs, desires, and questions. According to Hardt, these movements, with the political strategies they developed and the concepts they invented, offer "a rich field for reflecting on the present."
Michael Hardt is best known for his collaboration with Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Negri on the book Empire. His work often focuses on postmodern political thought, globalization, imperialism, communism, and social movements.
As a professor of literature at Duke University, Hardt continues to explore power dynamics in the contemporary world, developing theories about the structural problems of capitalism and new forms of resistance. (VK)